中文名稱 | 英文名稱 | 發明人 | 專利別 | 專利國別 | 中文摘要 | 英文摘要 |
用於保護隱私的隱私被 | Privacy quilt for protection of privacy | 王長禱 | 新型 | 台灣 | 一種用於保護隱私的隱私被,係包括被體與遮蓋件,其中,該被體具有複數個貫穿之檢測開孔,該遮蓋件具有一連接部,以連接於該檢測開孔外之被體,俾供該遮蓋件遮蓋該檢測開孔,並於該遮蓋件掀起時得外露該檢測開孔,藉此保護人體的隱私部位,以避免使用者於受檢測時之不自在感,且該隱私被具有保暖功效,讓使用者可舒適地接受檢查。 | A measuring device, especially a measuring device for female pelvic organ prolapse quantification, includes a handle portion and a main measuring stem. The main measuring stem includes a first end and a second end opposite the first end, wherein the first end connects the handle portion, and the second end bends outwardly away from an extension direction of the main measuring stem. The main measuring stem includes a scale region having a scale labeled on an outer surface of the main measuring stem, and the scale includes a scale line for dividing the main measuring stem into a plurality of segments and a scale value for indicating different lengths. |