
專利名稱(中文) 由葫蘆形貼梗海棠萃取含有植物凝集素之方法
專利名稱(英文) Method for extraction lectin from Chaenomeles lagenaria, medical composition for inhibiting tumor growth, biological reagent for detecting glycophorin A on blood and blood typing kit
專利別 發明專利
作者 楊國梁



美國 US7604824B2
中文摘要 提供一種葫蘆形貼梗海棠(Chaenomeles lagenaria)萃取物及其萃取方法。該萃取物之製備方式係經由使用均化劑將葫蘆形貼梗海棠種子均化成為混合物,隨後將該混合物進一步加工處理來製造對細胞表面的血型糖蛋白A具有特異性之植物凝集素,該萃取物可有效用於抑制腫瘤生長以及應用於血型試驗。
英文摘要 A Chaenomeles lagenaria extract having a lectin specific for glycophorin A and method for extracting the same are proposed. The extract is prepared by homogenizing seeds of Chaenomeles lagenaria with a homogenizing agent into a mixture, and the mixture is further processed to produce the extract both effective in inhibiting tumor growth and applicable to a blood typing test.



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