
醫師代碼:11076 我要掛號
專 長

  • 小兒斜弱視
  • 白內障小切口超音波手術
  • 青光眼
  • 近視雷射
  • 視網膜雷射
  • 兒童近視控制鏡片驗配

現 職

  • 花蓮慈濟醫院眼科部小兒屈調科主任

  • 部定助理教授

  • 眼科醫學會視保防盲及屈調驗光委員會【視保防盲組】

  • 眼科醫學會視保防盲及屈調驗光委員會【屈調驗光組】

學 歷

  • 中國醫藥大學 醫學系

  • 台灣大學 臨床醫學研究所碩士

經 歷

  • 台北市立仁愛醫院眼科 住院醫師

  • 台北市立仁愛醫院眼科 主治醫師

  • 羅東聖母醫院眼科 主治醫師

  • 李翰林眼科 副院長

  • 美國UCLA眼科研究(2001年)

  • 美國UCSF眼科研究(2002年)


  • 中華民國眼科專科證書


  • 超音波醫學會
  • 醫用雷射光電學會


  • 90、91年台北市政府自行研究計畫乙等獎佳作
  • 88年眼科醫學會最佳論文獎

著 作 

1.Nancy Chen, Jen-Hung Wang, Cheng-Jen Chiu*. Satisfaction with Teleophthalmology Services: Insights from Remote Areas of Taiwan.Healthcare.2024:12(8):~818

2.Ssu-Hsien Lee, Bor-Yuan Tseng, Jen-Hung Wang, Cheng-Jen Chiu*.Efficacy and Safety of Low -Dose Atropine on Myopia Prevention in Premyopic Children: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Journal of Clinical Medicine.2024;13:~1506

3.Ssu-Hsien Lee, Ping-Chiao Tsai, Yu-Chieh Chiu, Jen-Hung Wang, Cheng-Jen Chiu*.Myopia progression after cessation of atropine in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Frontiers in Pharmacology.2024;15:~1343698

4.Yu-Chieh Chiu, Ping-Chiao Tsai, Ssu-Hsien Lee, Jen-Hung Wang, Cheng-Jen Chiu*.Systematic Review of Myopia Progression after Cessation of Optical Interventions for Myopia Control.Journal of Clinical Medicine.2023;13:~53

5.Hou-Ren Tsai, Jen-Hung Wang, Huei-Kai Huang, Tai-Li Chen, Po-Wei Chen, Cheng-Jen Chiu*.Efficacy of atropine, orthokeratology, and combined atropine with orthokeratology for childhood myopia: A systematic review and network meta-analysis.JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.2022;121(12):2490-2500

6.Shang-Yen Wu, Jen-Hung Wang, Cheng-Jen Chiu*.Assessment of Satisfaction, Compliance and Side Effects among Long-Term Orthokeratology Wearers.Journal of Clinical Medicine.2022;11(14):~4126

7.Hou-Ren Tsai, Jen-Hung Wang, Cheng-Jen Chiu*.Effect of orthokeratology on anisometropia control: A meta-analysis.JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.2021;120(12):2120-2127

8.Hou-Ren Tsai, Tai-Li Chen, Jen-Hung Wang, Huei-Kai Huang, Cheng-Jen Chiu*.Is 0.01% Atropine an Effective and Safe Treatment for Myopic Children? A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis.Journal of Clinical Medicine.2021;10(17):3677~

9.Wei‑Shan Tsai, Jen‑Hung Wang & Cheng‑Jen Chiu*.A comparative study of orthokeratology and low‑dose atropine for the treatment of anisomyopia in children.Scientific Reports.2020;10(1):14176~

10.Yi-Chun Kuo, Jen-Hung Wang, Cheng-Jen Chiu*.Comparison of open-field autorefraction, closed-field autorefraction, and retinoscopy for refractive measurements of children and adolescents in Taiwan.JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.2020;119(8):1251-1258

11.Wei-Shan Tsai, Jen-Hung Wang, Yuan-Chieh Lee, Cheng-Jen Chiu*.Assessing the change of anisometropia in unilateral myopic children receiving monocular orthokeratology treatment.JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.2019;118(7):1122-1128

12.Yueh-Chang Lee  , Jen-Hung Wang , Cheng-Jen Chiu*.Effect of Orthokeratology on Myopia Progression: Twelve-Year Results of a Retrospective Cohort Study .BMC Ophthalmology.2017;17:243-243


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