醫師代號 : 06037


專 長












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.緬甸仰光第一醫學院醫學士(M.B.,B.S. Rgn)


經 歷




.比利時Brussels Frees醫學院婦產科生殖內分泌科及不孕症研究員

.比利時Vilvoorde SIMAF生育醫院生殖內分泌科及不孕症研究員



專 科 證 書





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論 文

1 Huang HS, Chen PC, Chu SC, Lee MH, Huang CY, Chu TY. Ovulation sources coagulation protease cascade and hepatocyte growth factor to support physiological growth and malignant transformation. Neoplasia. 2021 Nov;23(11):1123-1136. doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2021.09.006.

2 Hsu, Che-Fang, Pao-Chu Chen, Vaishnavi Seenan, Dah-Ching Ding, and Tang-Yuan Chu. 2021. "Ovulatory Follicular Fluid Facilitates the Full Transformation Process for the Development of High-Grade Serous Carcinoma" Cancers 13, no. 3: 468. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers13030468

3 Hsuan-Shun Huang, Sung-Chao Chu, Pao-Chu Chen, Ming-Hsun Lee, Chi-Ya Huang, Hsien-ming Chou, Tang-Yuan Chu*. Insuline-Like Growth Factor-2 (IGF2) and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) Promote Lymphomagenesis in p53-null Mice in Tissue-specific and Estrogen-signaling Dependent Manners. Journal of Cancer; 2021, 12(20): 6021-6030.

4 Che-Fang Hsu, Hsuan-Shun Huang, Pao-Chu Chen, Dah-Ching Ding, Tang-Yuan Chu*. IGF-axis confers transformation and regeneration of fallopian tube fimbria epithelium upon ovulation. EBioMedicine; 41 (2019), 597-609. 




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