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 放射腫瘤專科醫師證書 放腫專醫字第153號




100學年度 慈濟大學 校級優良教師
103學年度 慈濟大學 院級優良教師
106學年度 慈濟大學 醫學系優良教師
107學年度 花蓮慈濟醫院 最佳教學主治醫師獎
2022 花蓮縣醫師公會 優良醫師 

著 作

1. Fan BY, Liu DW, and Chen RC. 1996. Dec. Estimating the increment of medical records volume and space. Chinese Journal of Public Health. 15(6): 504-516.
2. Wang MC, Wu MH, Chang KH, Lai YL, Chung CH, Liu DW, and Chen YJ. 1997. Mar. Treatment result and prognostic factor in early stage endometrial carcinoma. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 4(1): 17-22.
3. Chang JL, Tsao YP, Liu DW, Han CP, Lee WH, and Chen SL. 1999. Apr. The expression of type I growth factor receptors in the squamous neoplastic changes of uterine cervix. Gynecology Oncology. 73(1): 62-71. SCI
4. Pan RY, Chen SL, Xiao X, Liu DW, Peng HJ, and Tsao YP. 2000. Feb. Therapy and prevention of arthritis by recombinant adeno-associated virus vector with delivery of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 43(2): 289-297. SCI
5. Liu DW, Tsao YP, Kung JT, Ding YA, Sytwu HK, Xiao X, and Chen SL. 2000. Mar. Recombinant adeno-associated virus expressing human papillomavirus type 16 E7 peptide DNA fused with heat shock protein DNA as a potential vaccine for cervical cancer. Journal of Virology. 74(6): 2888-2894. SCI
6. Liu DW, Tsao YP, Hsieh CH, Hsieh JT, Kung JT, Chiang CL, Huang SJ, and Chen SL. 2000. Oct. Induction of CD8 T cells by vaccination with recombinant adenovirus expressing human papilloma- virus type 16 E5 gene reduces tumor growth. Journal of Virology. 74(19): 9083-9089. SCI
7. Liu DW and Chen SL. 2001. Jan. The principles and methods of gene therapy. Formosan Journal of Medicine. 5(1): 46-59.
8. Chang JL, Tsao YP, Liu DW, Huang SJ, Lee WH, and Chen SL. 2001. Mar-Apr. The expression of HPV-16 E5 protein in squamous neoplastic changes in the uterine cervix. Journal of Biomedical Science. 8(2): 206-213. SCI
9. Jen YM, Hsu WL, Chen CY, Hwang JM, Chang LP, Lin YH, Su WF, Chen CM, Liu DW and Chao HL. 2001. Different risks of symptomatic brain necrosis in NPC patients treated with different altered fractionated radiotherapy techniques. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 51(2): 344-348. SCI.
10. Jen YM, Lin YS, Su WF, Hsu WL, Hwang JM, Chao HL, Liu DW, Chen CM, Lin HY, Wu CJ, Chang LP and Shueng PW. 2002. Dose escalation using twice-daily radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma: Dose heavier dosing result in a happier ending? International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 54(1): 14-22. SCI.
11. Tsai TH, Chen SL, Xiao X, Liu DW and Tsao YP. 2002. Gene therapy for treatment of cerebral ischemia using defective recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors. Methods. 28(2): 253-258. SCI
12. Tsai TH, Chen SL, Xiao X, Chiang YH, Lin SZ, Kuo SW, Liu DW and Tsao YP. 2003. Gene treatment of cerebral stroke by rAAV vector delivering IL-1ra in a rat model. Neuroreport. 14(6): 803-807. SCI
13. Hwang JM, Lin CS, Liu DW and Jen YM. 2003. Combined modality treatment of the locally advanced (stage IIIA-IIIB) non-small cell lung cancer. Journal of Medical Science. 23(3): 139-144.
14. Jen YM, Su WF, Lin YS, Liu DW, Chao HL, Chang JL, Lin HY, Lin CS, and Shum WY. 2003. Dec. A minipig animal model for the study of radiation response of parotid glands and preliminary results. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 10(4): 189-195.
15. Hsu WL, Hwang JM, Liu DW, Jen YM and Chen CY. 2003 Dec: Is melanin a radioprotector or radiosensitizer? It’s implication for radiotherapy. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 10(4): 188-197.
16. Wang CH, Liu DW, Tsao YP, Xiao X, and Chen SL. 2004. Jan. Can genes transduced by adeno-associated virus vectors elicit or evade an immune response? Archives of Virology. 149(1): 1-15. SCI
17. Liu DW, Hsu WL, Hsu YH, Lee MS, Chsia HS, Tsai EL, Ju YR, Wu SH. 2004. Jun. Postirradiation malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the breast:A case report and review of the literature. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 11(2): 119-126.
18. Chao HL, Hwang JM, Jen JM, Liu DW, Lin HY, ShumWY, Lin CS. 2004. Jun. Radiation therapy for malignant pheochromocytoma: Two case reports and review of the literature. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 11(2): 99-104.
19. Lin CS, Hwang JM, Jen YM, Peng YJ, Chang LP, Chao HL, Liu DW, Lin HY, Shum WY. 2004. Sep. Treatment results of Langerhans cell histiocytosis: A long term follow-up. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 11(3): 185-192.
20. Liu DW, Chang JL, Tsao YP, Huang CW, Kuo SW, Chen SL. 2005. Jan. Co-vaccination with adeno-associated virus vectors encoding human papillomavirus 16 L1 proteins and adenovirus encoding murine GM-CSF can elicit strong and prolonged neutralizing antibody. International Journal of Cancer 113(1): 93-100. SCI
21. Chang JL, Liu DW, Sheu LF, Lee WH. 2005. Feb. The anti-apoptotic protein survivin is overexpressed in patients with primary brain lymphoma. Journal of Medical Science. 25(1): 13-20.
22. Jen YM, Shih R, Lin YS, Su WF, Ku CH, Chang CS, Shueng PW, Hwang JM, Liu DW, Chao HL, Lin HY, Chang LP, Shum WY, Lin CS. 2005. May. Parotid gland-sparing 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy results in less severe dry mouth in nasopharyngeal cancer patients: a dosimetric and clinical comparison with conventional radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology 75(2): 204-209. SCI
23. Hung SK, Hsu WL, Chang KH, Liu HC, Liu DW, Sheng CH, Chen YJ, Lee MS. 2005 Oct. Benefit of postoperative multimodality therapy in patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 17(5): 311-317.
24. Lin HY, Jen YM, Hwang JM, Chao HL, Liu DW, Lin CS, Ho KJ, Chang LP. 2005. Dec. Treatment result of cerebral arteriovenous malformations treated by Linac-based stereotactic radiosurgery. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 12(4): 247-256.
25. Liu DW, Hsu WL, Jen YM, Hwang JM, Chao HL, Lin HY, Lin CS, Shum WY. 2005. Dec. Long-term results of stage IB to IIB cervical carcinoma treated by preoperative radiotherapy and surgery. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 12(4): 257-266.
26. Hung SK, Chen HL, Hsien CH, Hsu WL, Chang KH, Liu DW, Chen YJ, Lee MS. 2006 Feb. Treatment of advanced hypopharyngeal cancer – comparison of two modalities. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 18(1): 15-21.
27. Lin CS, Jen YM, Cheng MF, Lin YS, Su WF, Hwang JM, Chang LP, Chao HL, Liu DW, Lin HY, Shum WY. 2006 Feb. Squamous cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa: An aggressive cancer requiring multimodality treatment. Head and Neck 28(2): 150-157. SCI
28. Chsia HS, Hsu WL, Hsu YH, Kuo HC, Liu DW, Lee MS, Tsai EL, Chu MH. 2006 Jun. Scalp metastasis from transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis – A case report and review of the literature. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 13(2): 147-152.
29. Hsu WL, Chen CL, Wang ZJ, Wu TH, Liu DW, Lee JS. 2007. Feasibility study of small animal imaging using clinical PET/CT scanner. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A 571: 457-460. SCI
30. Hsu WL, Yang CC, Wang ZJ, Liu DW, Yin WH, Huang WP, Lee JS. 2007. Correlation of PET and MRI for comparing assessments on myocardial viability. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A. 571: 461-464. SCI
31. Liu DW, Yang YC, Lin HF, Lin MF, Cheng YW, Chu CC, Tsao YP, Chen SL. 2007 Mar. Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Responses to Human Papillomavirus Type 16 E5 and E7 Proteins and HLA-A*0201-restricted T-cell Peptides in Cervical Cancer Patients. Journal of Virology. 81(6): 2869-2879. SCI
32. Tsai En-Lin, Hsu Wen-Lin, Liu Dai-Wei, Chsia Hsi-Sheng, Su Yi-Ru. 2007. Mar. Primary mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the larynx: A case report and literature review. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 14(1): 47-55.
33. Yang KL, Chu CC, Huang CS, Lin SZ, Hsu WL, Liu DW, Lin PY. 2007 Apr. Discovery of HLA-DRB1*0331 in a Taiwanese marrow donor and the importance of sequence based typing in a rare or previously unrecognized allele. International Journal of Immunogenetics. 34(2): 91-95. SCI
34. Chu MH, Hsu WL, Chisa HS, Liu DW, Wang TH, Su YJ, Wang YN. 2007 Jun. Definitive radiotherapy for aneurismal bone cyst of the lumbar vertebra−A case report and review of the literature. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 14(2): 123-130.
35. Wang YN, Liu DW, Hsu YH, Huang HW, Hsu WL. 2008 Mar. Jejunal metastasis from squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus presenting as intestinal bleeding. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 15(1): 73-78.
36. Lin HY, Jen YM, Liu DW, Hwang JM, Lee MS, Hung SK, Chao HL, Lin CS, Shum WY. 2008 Mar. The role of primary surgery in resectable stage III/IV tonsillar carcinoma. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 20(1): 49-57.
37. Wang YN, Liu DW, Chsia HS, Hsu WL. 2008 Jun. Early-stage esophageal squamous cell carcinoma adjacent to cirrhosis-related varices: A case report. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 15(2): 161-166.
38. Huang TY, Liu DW, Hsu YH, Chsia HS, Hsu WL. 2008 Dec. Moderately differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma of the larynx: A case report and review of the literatures. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 15(4): 323-330.
39. Lin HY, Ku CH, Liu DW, Chao HL, Lin CS, Jen YM. 2009 Jul. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for late radiation-associated tissue necrosis: Is it safe in patient with locoregionally recurrent and then successfully salvaged head-and-neck cancers? International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 74(4): 1077-1082. SCI   
40. Wang TH, Liu DW, Chsia HS, Chang FL, Hsu WL. 2009 Sep. Metastatic choroidal adenocarcinoma from lung cancer: A case report and review of the literature. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 16(3): 243-250.
41. Lee MS, Jen YM, Liu DW, Su YC, Hung SK, Hwang JM, Lee CC, Li SC, Tsai WT, Chen FL, Lin HY. 2009 Sep. Should tonsillar carcinoma with nasopharynx invasion alone be classified as a T4b disease? Tzu Chi Medical Journal 21(3): 204-9.
42. Yang MC, Hsu YH, Liu DW, Chou YF. 2009 Dec. AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma of the nasopharynx. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 21(4): 342-4.
43. Liu SH, Kao PF, Chiu CH, Liu DW*, Hsieh HJ, Chen PR. 2010 Mar. Perineural recurrence of buccal cancer demonstrated by F-18 FDG PET/CT. Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 35(3): 189-91. SCI
44. Su YJ, Liu DW, Hsu YH, Chsia HS, Hsu WL. 2010 Mar. Metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma to the kidney of the mouth floor origin: A case report and review of the literature. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 17(1): 61-70.  
45. Lin CT, Yu MT, Li C, Ho YC, Shen CH, Liu DW, Chang DC, Wu SF. 2010 May Dysfunction of natural killer cells in patients with transitional cell carcinoma. Cancer Letters. 291(1): 39-45. SCI
46. Wang CH, Shi ZP, Liu DW, Wang HW, Huang BR, Chen HC. 2011 Jan. High computed tomographic correlations between carotid canal dehiscence and high jugular bulb in the middle ear. Audiology and Neurotology. 16(2): 106-12. SCI    
47. Liu SC, Kang BH, Lee JC, Lin YS, Huang KL, Liu DW, Su WF, Kao CH, Chu YH, Chen HC, Wang CH. 2011 Apr. Comparison of therapeutic results in sudden sensorineural hearing loss with/without additional hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a retrospective review of 465 audiologically controlled cases. Clinical Otolaryngology. 36(2): 121-128. SCI
48. Chen HC, Sytwu HK, Chang JL, Wang HW, Chen HK, Kang BH, Liu DW, Chen CH, Chao TT, Wang CH. 2011 May. Hypoxia enhances the stemness markers of cochlear stem/progenitor cells and expands sphere formation through activation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha. Hearing Research. 275 (1-2): 43-52. SCI
49. Chang YW, Lee MS, Hung SK, Chiou WY, Hsu WL, Liu DW, Su YC, Hwang JM, Li SC, Lin HY. 2011 Sep. Elderly oropharynx-hypopharynx carcinoma patients: induction chemotherapy plus chemoradiotherapy improve cancer control than radiotherapy alone. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 18(3): 181-92.
50. Tsai WT, Lee MS, Hung SK, Chiou WY, Huang TT, Tseng CE, Chang SM, Hsu FC, Su YC, Li SC, Hsu WL, Liu DW, Lin HY. 2011 Dec. A very close margin of ≦1 mm predicts a poor outcome in resected buccal cancer patients with a pathological margin of ≦ 3 mm. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 23(4): 123-30.
51. Lin HC, Lo CP, Chiang IC, Hsu CC, Hsu WL, Liu DW, Juan YH, Liu GC. 2012. The use of pseudo-dynamic magnetic resonance imaging for evaluating the relationship between temporomandibular joint anterior disc displacement and joint pain. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 41(12): 1501-1504. SCI
52. Wu CT, Hsu WL, Hsu YH, Huang TY, Liu DW*.2013. Merkel cell carcinoma of lower extremity: A case report and review of the literatures. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 20(4): 307-14.
53. Lin HY, Huang TT, Lee MS, Hung SK, Lin RI, Tseng CE, Chang SM, Chiou WY, Hsu FC, Hsu WL, Liu DW. 2013. Unexpected close surgical margin in resected buccal cancer: Very close margin and DAPK promoter hypermethylation predicts poor clinical outcomes. Oral Oncology 49(4): 336-344. SCI
54. Hsueh CJ, Kao HW, Chen SY, Lo CP, Hsu CC, Liu DW, Hsu WL. 2013. Comparison of the 2010 and 2005 versions of the McDonald MRI criteria for dissemination-in-time in Taiwanese patients with classic multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurological Science 329(1-2): 51-54. SCI
55. Lo CP, Kao HW, Chen SY, Chu CM, Hsu CC, Chen YC, Lin WC, Liu DW, Hsu WL. 2014. Comparison of diffusion-weighted imaging and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging on a single baseline MRI for demonstrating dissemination in time in multiple sclerosis. BMC Neurology 14: 100. SCI
56. Wang LJ, Chen PR, Hsu LP, Hsu WL, Liu DW, Chang CH, Hsu YC, Lee JW. 2014. Concomitant induction of apoptosis and autophagy by prostate apoptosis response-4 in hypopharyngeal carcinoma cells. American Journal Pathology 184 (2): 418-30. SCI
57. Su CF, Lee CC, Yang J, Loh TW, Tzou JH, Liu DW. 2014. Long-term outcome of Gamma Knife radiosurgery in patients with tiny intracanalicular vestibular schwannomas detected by three-dimensional fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition magnetic resonance. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 26(3): 132-37.
58. Hung SK, Lee MS, Chiou WY, Lee CC, Chen YC, Lai CL, Chien NC, Hsu WL, Liu DW, Su YC, Li SC, Lai HC, Tsai SJ, Hsu FC, Lin HY. 2014. High incidence of ischemic stroke occurrence in irradiated lung cancer patients: a population-based surgical cohort study. PLoS One. 9(4): e94377. SCI
59. Wang KH, Lin CJ, Liu CJ, Liu DW, Huang RL, Ding DC, Weng CF, Chiu TY. 2015. Global methylation silencing of clustered proto-cadherin genes in cervical cancer: serving as diagnostic markers comparable to HPV. Cancer Medicine 4(1): 43-55. SCI
60. Chen LH, Liu DW, Chang JL, Chen PR, Hus LP, Lin HY, Chou YF, Lee CF, Yang MC, Wen YH, Hsu WL, Weng CF. 2015. Methylation status of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 7 concurs with the malignance of oral tongue cancer. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research. 34:20. SCI
61. Lin HY, Hung SK, Lee MS, Chiou WY, Huang TT, Tseng CE, Shih LY, Lin RI, Lin JM, Lai YH, Chang CB, Hsu FC, Chen LC, Tsai SJ, Su YC, Li SC, Lai HC, Hsu WL, Liu DW, Tai CK, Wu SF, Chan MW. 2015. DNA methylome analysis identifies epigenetic silencing of FHIT as a determining factor for radiosensitivity in oral cancer: an outcome-predicting and treatment-implicating study. Oncotarget. 6(2): 915-34. SCI
62. Hsu WL, Liu DW, Wang TH, Wu CT, Huang SY, Chen CY. 2016. Construction of an immuno-biosensor of carcinoembryonic antigen using polyparylene-coated quartz crystal microbalance with an auto-sampler. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 23(3): 163-174.
63. Huang TY, Liu DW, Huang HW, Hsu YH, Hsu WL. 2016. Postoperative radiotherapy for carcinosarcoma arising from parotid mixed tumor: A case report and review of the literature. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 23(4): 291-296.
64. Lin YH, Hung SK, Chiou WY, Lee MS, Shen BJ, Chen LC, Liu DW, Tsai WT, Lin PH, Shih YT, Hsu FC, Tsai SJ, Chan MWY, Lin HY. 2016. Significant symptoms alleviation and tumor volume reduction after combined simultaneously integrated inner-escalated boost and volumetric-modulated arc radiotherapy in a patient with unresectable bulky hepatocellular carcinoma. A care-compliant case report. Medicine. 95(34): e4717. SCI
65. Yeh PH, Hung SK, Lee MS, Chiou WY, Lai CL, Tsai WT, Hsieh HL, Shih YT, Chen LC, Huang LW, Y Lin YA, Lin PH, Lin YH, Liu DW, Hsu FC, Tsai SJ, Liu JC, Chung ES, Lin HY. 2016. Implementing web-based ping-pong-type e-communication to enhance staff satisfaction, multidisciplinary cooperation, and clinical effectiveness. Medicine. 95(44): e5236. SCI
66.Chen LH, Hsu WL, Tseng YJ, Liu DW*, Weng CF. 2016. Involvement of DNMT 3B promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition and gene expression profile of invasive head and neck squamous cell carcinomas cell lines. BMC Cancer. 16: 431. SCI

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