美國伊利諾州芝加哥St.Luke's醫學中心 研究員
三軍總醫院醫癌委會 主任委員
- 專科證書
放射腫瘤專科醫師證書 放腫專醫字第020號
- 專科學會
‧ 2018年花蓮縣醫師公會第11屆醫療奉獻獎
著 作
1. Lin WC, Wang HH, Hsu WL, Cao BH, Chen DJ, Tsai CJ. 2017 Jan. Investigation of an optimised scanning protocol for the dentomaxillofacial region using 320-slice multidetector computed tomography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI).
2. Wang WL, Chen N, Sheu MM, Wang JH, Hsu WL, Hu YJ. 2016. The prevalence and risk factors of visual impairment among the elderly in Eastern Taiwan. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 32(9): 475-81. (SCI).
3. Chen LH, Hsu WL, Tseng YJ, Liu DW, Weng CF. 2016. Involvement of DNMT 3B promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition and gene expression profile of invasive head and neck squamous cell carcinomas cell lines. BMC Cancer. 16: 431. (SCI)
4. Chen MC, Hsu WL*, Hwang PA, Chen YL, Chou TC. 2016. Combined administration of fucoidan ameliorates tumor and chemotherapy-induced skeletal muscle atrophy in bladder cancer-bearing mice. Oncotarget. 7(32): 51608-51618. (SCI)
5. Lu SH, Hsu WL, Chen TH, Chou TC. 2015. Activation of Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway involves the anti-inflammatory activity of magnolol in Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide-stimulated mouse RAW 264.7 macrophages. Int Immunopharmacol. 29:770-778. (SCI).
6. Chen MC, Hsu WL*, Hwang PA, Chou TC. 2015. Low molecular weight fucoidan inhibits tumor angiogenesis through downregulation of HIF-1/VEGF signaling under hypoxia. Marine Drugs. 13:4436-4451. (SCI).
7. Chen TH, Shih CY, Hsu WL, Chou TC. 2015. Mechanisms of nifedipine-downregulated CD40L/sCD40L signaling in collagen stimulated human platelets. PLOS One 10: e0127054. (SCI).
8. Chen LH, Liu DW, Chang JL, Chen PR, Hus LP, Lin HY, Chou YF, Lee CF, Yang MC, Wen YH, Hsu WL*, Weng CF. 2015. Methylation status of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 7 concurs with the malignance of oral tongue cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 34:20. (SCI).
9. Lin HY, Hung SK, Lee MS, Chiou WY, Huang TT, Tseng CE, Shih LY, Lin RI, Lin JM, Lai YH, Chang CB, Hsu FC, Chen LC, Tsai SJ, Su YC, Li SC, Lai HC, Hsu WL, Liu DW, Tai CK, Wu SF, Chan MW. 2015. DNA methylome analysis identifes epigenetic silencing of FHIT as a determining factor for radiosensitivity in oral cancer: an outcome-predicting and treatment-implicating study. OncoTarget. 6(2): 915-34. (SCI).
10. Wang WL, Hsu SD, Wang JH, Huang LC and Hsu WL*. 2014. Survey of breast cancer mammography screening behaviors in Eastern Taiwan based on a health belief model. Kaoshiung J Med Sci. 30: 422-427. (SCI).
11. Wang LJ, Chen PR, Hsu LP, Hsu WL, Liu DW, Chang CH, Hsu YC, Lee JW. 2014. Concomitant induction of apoptosis and autophagy by prostate apoptosis response-4 in hypopharyngeal carcinoma cells. Am J Patholo1. 84 (2): 418-30. (SCI).
12. Hung SK, Lee MS, Chiou WY, Lee CC, Chen YC, Lai CL, Chien NC, Hsu WL, Liu DW, Su YC, Li SC, Lai HC, Tsai SJ, Hsu FC, Lin HY. 2014. High incidence of ischemic stroke occurrence in irradiated lung cancer patients: A population-based surgical cohort study. PLOS One. 9 (4): e94377. (SCI)
13. Lo CP, Kao HW, Chen SY, Chu CM, Hsu CC, Chen YC, Lin WC, Liu DW, Hsu WL. 2014. Comparison of diffusion-weighted imaging and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging on a single baseline MRI for demonstrating dissemination in time in multiple sclerosis. BMC Neurol 14: 100. (SCI)
14. Tsai CJ, Chen RC , Peng HL, Hsu WL*, Lee JJ. 2013. Improved Microcalcification visualization using dual-energy digital mammorgraphy. Acta Radiologica. 54(6): 614-21. (SCI).
15. Lin HY, Huang TT, Lee MS, Hung SK, Lin RI, Tseng CE, Chang SM, Chiou WY, Hsu FC, Hsu WL, Liu DW. 2013. Unexpected close surgical margin in resected buccal cancer: Very close margin and DAPK promoter hypermethylation predicts poor clinical outcomes. Oral Oncol 49(4): 336-344. (SCI)
16. Hsueh CJ, Kao HW, Chen SY, Lo CP, Hsu CC, Liu DW, Hsu WL. 2013. Comparison of the 2010 and 2005 versions of the McDonald MRI criteria for dissemination-in-time in Taiwanese patients with classic multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Sci 329(1-2): 51-54. (SCI)
17. Lin HC, Lo CP, Chiang IC, Hsu CC, Hsu WL, Liu DW, Juan YH, Liu GC. 2012. The use of pseudo-dynamic magnetic resonance imaging for evaluating the relationship between temporomandibular joint anterior disc displacement and joint pain. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 41(12): 1501-1504. (SCI)