Special Expertise
- Neuropthalmology
- Pediatric opthalmology
- General opthalmology
- Glaucoma
Current position
- Supervisors ,The Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan
- Convener of Finance and Fund Management Committee,The Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan
- Member of Academic Council, The Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan
- Committee Member of Hospital evaluation, The Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan
- Edit, ACTA Societatis Ophthalmologicae Sinicae
- Director, Tzu Chi Institute of Eye Research (TCIER) , Hualien
- Director, Institute of Medical Sciences, Tzu Chi University, Hualien
Medical school
- Graduate Institute of Medicine for Ph.D.: Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China
- M.Sci.: Graduate Institute of Medicine of Kaohsiung Medical College, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Republic of China
- B.M. (equivalent to an M.D. in U.S.): Kaohsiung Medical College (7 year-course) Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China
- Department of Ophthalmology Kaohsiung Medical College Residency (1984-1987)
- Chief Resident: Department of Ophthalmology Kaohsiung Medical College (1987-1988)
- Visiting Staff, Department of Ophthalmology, Chun-Ho Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University
- Director, Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung Municipal Shio-Kan Hospital)
- Associate Professor in Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung Medical University
- Director, Department of Ophthalmology, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Center, Hualien
- Director, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Tzu Chi University, Hualien
- Visiting Assistant Professor: University of Arkansas for Medical Science, Little Rock, USA
- Work with Walter Jay M.D.
- Fellowship in Neuro-ophthalmology: University of California in San Francisco, USA
- Work with Professor William F. Hoyt
- Research fellowship in Kitasato University, Kanagawa Japan.
- Work with Professor Satoshi Ishikawa
- Research fellowship in Doheny Eye Institute, University of Southern California, USA.
- Work with Professor Alfredo A. Sadun and Tim T. Lam PhD.
- Visiting Scholar in Laboratoire d’Etude de la Diffe´ rentiation et de l’Adhe´ rence Cellulaire, Institut Albert Bonniot, Universite´ Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France