專 長
- 一般胃腸肝膽科
- 慢性肝炎
- 肝硬化
- 肝癌
- 分子生物學
- 分子遺傳學
- 遺傳病及癌症的分子醫學診斷
- 經鼻內視鏡
- 腹部超音波
- 癌症自然醫學輔助療法
現 職
- 內科部肝膽腸胃研究中心主任
- 內科部肝膽腸胃科主治醫師
- 研究部肝病研究中心專題研究室主持人
- 慈濟大學部定教授
- 台北醫學大學醫學士
- 英國劍橋大學分子生物學博士
經 歷
- 台北馬偕醫院內科部住院醫師
- 台北醫學大學附設醫院腸胃肝膽科研究員、總醫師
- 慈濟醫院人體試驗計劃審議委員會總幹事、內科部副主任、消化系功能檢查室主任、肝膽腸胃科主任
- 慈濟大學醫學系腸胃肝膽科主任
- 英國劍橋大學附設醫院(Addenbrooke’s Hospital)分子肝膽暨肝移植中心研究員
- 德國柏林分子醫學中心(Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine)研究員
- 美國國家衛生院(National Institutes of Health)肝病研究中心博士後研究員
- 美國堪薩斯州威奇托Riordon Clinic整合自然醫學中心進修
- 內科專科醫師證書
- 消化系內視鏡專科醫師證書
- 消化系醫學會專科醫師證書
- 針灸專科醫師證書
- 台灣內科醫學會
- 台灣消化系醫學會
- 台灣消化系內視鏡醫學會(第八屆、第九屆理事)
- 台灣肝臟研究學會
- 中華針灸醫學會
著 作:
- Wen-Sheng Wu, Chi-Tan HuEditors. Signal Transduction in Cancer Metastasis. Cancer metastasis- Biology and Treatment 15. Springer 2010.【DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9522-0, ISBN: 978-90-481-9521-3 (eISBN: 978-90-481-9522-0)】
- Wen-Sheng Wu, Chi-Tan Hu*. Chapter 2: Microenvironment Triggers EMT, Migration and Invasion of Primary Tumor via Multiple Signal Pathways. Cancer metastasis-Biology and Treatment 15: 9-24. Springer 2010 Nov.
- Chi-Tan Hu, Jia-Ru Wu, Wen-Sheng Wu*. Chapter 7: Signal Cross Talks for Sustained MAPK Activation and Cell Migration Mediated by Reactive Oxygen Species: The Involvement in Tumor Progression. Cancer metastasis-Biology and Treatment 15: 119-136. Springer 2010 Nov.
- Selena Y. Lin, Surbhi Jain, Wei Song, Chi-Tan Hu, Ying-Hsiu Su. Chapter 7: Strategic Assay Developments for Detection of HBV 1762T/1764A Double Mutation in Urine of Patients with HBV-Associated Hepatocellular Carcinomas. Hepatocellular Carcinoma-Clinical Research: 139-154. InTech 2012 Mar.【DOI: 10.5772/2483, ISBN 978-953-51-0112-3】
- Chi-Tan Hu, CL Chen, Zhen-Xiong Lin. Ch.6 Miscellaneous Disorders. 9. Small Bowel Tapeworm. Atlas of Small Intestinal Disorders: Integrated Case Presentation. P206-209. Ho-Chi Book Publishing Co. 2014 Jan.【ISBN 978-986-368-001-7】
- 胡志棠. Part 2認識肝硬化發病原因與預防. 2-3肝硬化的症狀及徵兆. 肝硬化全書-全國護肝專家教你預防、照護、治療36-46. 如何出版社有限公司2014年5月.【ISBN 978-986-136-389-9】
- 大愛電視台「人體的奧秘系列:人體的超級工廠-肝臟」影片科學顧問(國科會補助) (2014年1月11日首播)
- 魏誠佑、謝昌衛、盧崑山、夏靜吾、龍輝、蕭正忠、胡志棠。用以治療癌症及/或腫瘤之到手香葉汁LEAF JUICE OF PLECTRANTHUS AMBOINICUS FOR TREATING CANCER AND/OR TUMOR。(專利證書號數I399210)
- 高立人、鍾承璋、胡志棠、陳明賢。基於雲端運算技術之影像處理系統。(發明第I498747號)
- Chi-Tan Hu, K. M. O'Shaughnessy. Glycerol-enhanced mini-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for the separation of differentially expressed DNA fragments in cDNA representational difference analysis. Electrophoresis 22(6): 1063-1068, 2001 Apr.
- Hans Hsienhong Lin, Li-Yu Wang, Chi-Tan Hu, Shih-Che Huang, Lu-Chin Huang, Sherry S.J. Lin, Yu-Ming Chiang, Tso-Tsai Liu, Chien-Lin Chen. Decline of Hepatitis B Carrier Rate in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Subjects: Sixteen Years After Newborn Vaccination Program in Taiwan. J Med Virol69(4): 471-474, 2003Apr.
- Ya-Fang Wu, Li-Yu Wang, Tsung-Dao Lee, Hans Hsienhong Lin, Chi-Tan Hu, Mu-Liang Cheng Shih-Yen Lo. HLA Phenotypes and Outcomes of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Taiwan. J Med Virol 72(1): 17-25, 2004 Jan.
- Chao-Chuan Wu, Yao-Jen Chang, Hisen-Hong Lin, Shih-Che Huang, Lu-Chin Huang, Chi-Tan Hu, Zuo-Chai Liu, Jian-Lin Chen, Nien-Tsung Lin. Analyses the Virulent Gene Status of Clinical Isolate Helicobacter Pylori from Han Chinese and Aboriginals of Eastern Taiwan.Tzu Chi Med J16(1): 33-42, 2004 Feb.
- Chien-Lin Chen, Hsien-Hong Lin, Lu-Chin Huang, Shi-Che Huang,Chi-Tan Hu, Tso-Tsai Liu. Gastric Myoelectrical Activity in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Overlapping with Dysmotility-like Dyspepsia. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 21(1): 1-10, 2004 Mar.
- Bang-Gee Hsu, Shih-Yen Lo, Li-Yu Wang, Hsin-Chieh Ma, Chih-Hsien Wang, Ching-Shing Liao, Chi-Tan Hu, Hans Hsienhong Lin*. TT Virus Infection in Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis in Eastern Taiwan. Acta Nephrologica18:71-74, 2004.
- Chi-Tan Hu, Hans Hsien-Hong Lin. Multifocal Inflammatory Pseudotumors in A Patient with Cirrhotic Liver and Very High Alpha-Fetoprotein: Report of A Case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 21(2): 155-162, 2004 Jun.
- Chi-Tan Hu. An In Vitro System for the Study of Hepatitis B Gene Expression. Tzu Chi Med J 16(5): 293-300. 2004 Oct.
- Li-Yu Wang, Hans Hsienhong Lin, Tsung-Dao Lee, Ya-Fang Wu, Chi-Tan Hu, Mu-Liang Cheng, Shih-Yen Lo*. Human leukocyte antigen phenotypes and hepatitis C viral load. Journal of Clinical Virology 32(2):144-150, 2005 Feb.(SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu*. Vaccine Development for Hepatitis C: Lessons from the Past Turn into Promise for the Future. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 17(2):61-74, 2005 Apr.Lu-Chin Huang*, Hans Hsienhong Lin, Shih-Che Huang, Chi-Tan Hu, Tso-Tsai Liu, Chien-Lin Chen, Yao-Jen Chang, Pau-Nyen Chong. Gastrointestinal Bezoar: Clinical Study of 15 Years Experience from A Medical Center in Eastern Taiwan. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 17(2):83-86, 2005 Apr.
- Chi-Tan Hu*. Gene Expression Profiling of the Liver in Chimpanzees during HCV Infection Using Microarray: Genes Related to Viral Persistence and Clearance. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 17(3):145-154, 2005 Jun.
- Chao-Chuan Wu, Pai-Yu Chou, Chi-Tan Hu, Zuo-Chai Liu, Chih-Yung Lin, Yi-Hsiung Tseng, and Nien-Tsung Lin* .Clinical Relevance of the vacA, iceA, cagA, and flaA genes of Helicobacter pylori strains isolated in Eastern Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43(6):2913-2915, 2005 Jun.(SCI)
- Bang-Gee Hsu, Shih-Yen Lo, Li-Yu Wang, Chih-Hsien Wang, Ching-Shing Liao, Chi-Tan Hu, Hans Hsienhong Lin*. Hepatitis G Virus Viremia is Rare in Patients at One Maintenance Hemodialysis Center in Eastern Taiwan. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 17(3):155-158, 2005 Jun.
- Ming-Cheh Chen*, Chi-Tan Hu, Li-Yu Wang, Hsien-Hong Lin. The efficacy of Helicobacter pylori eradication related to CYP2C19 metabolism. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 22(3):274-275; author reply 275-276, 2005 Aug 1. [Letters to the Editors].(SCI)
- Tso-Tsai Liu, Chi-Tan Hu*. 糖尿病、高血脂症及肥胖與脂肪肝的關係及治療. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 18(Suppl 1):53-55, 2006 Feb.
- Li-Yu Wang, Chi-Tan Hu, Tzu-Ying Ho, Hans Hsienhong Lin*. Geographic and ethnic variations of long-term efficacy and immunogenicity of hepatitis B vaccination in Hualien, a HBV hyperendemic area. Vaccine 24(20):4427-4432, 2006 May. (SCI)
- Tso-Tsai Liu, Hans-Hsienhong Lin, Li-Yu Wang, Shih-Yen Lo, Teng-Yi Lin, Chi-Tan Hu, Chih-Hsien Wang, Te-Chao Fang, Bang-Gee Hsu*. SEN Virus Infection in Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis in Eastern Taiwan. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 18(3):179-183, 2006 Jun.
- Chien-Lin Chen*, Chi-Tan Hu, Hsien-Hong Lin, Chih-Hsun Yi. Clinical utility of electrogastrography and the water load test in patients with upper gastrointestinal symptoms. Journal of Smooth Muscle Research 42(5):149-157, 2006 Oct.
- Bang-Gee Hsu, Li-Yu Wang, Chi-Tan Hu, Chih-Hsien Wang, Te-Chao Fang, and Hans Hsienhong Lin*. SEN virus infection in patients on peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal Dialysis International 27(1):74-78, 2007 Jan-Feb. (SCI)
- Li-Yu Wang*, Tzu-Ying Ho, Ming-Che Chen, Chi-Shun Yi, Chi-Tan Hu, Hans Hsienhong Lin. Prevalence and determinants of SENV viremia among adolescents in an endemic area of chronic liver diseases. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 22(2):171-176, 2007 Feb. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu, Chao-Chuan Wu, Chih-Yung Lin, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Siou-Cing Su, Yi-Hsiung Tseng, Nien-Tsung Lin*. Resistance rate to antibiotics of Helicobacter pylori isolates in eastern Taiwan. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 22(5):720-723, 2007 May. (SCI)
- Bang-Gee Hsu, Li-Yu Wang,Chi-Tan Hu, Chih-Hsien Wang, Te-Chao Fang, Hans Hsienhong Lin*. TT Virus Infection in Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis in Taiwan. Renal Failure 29(5): 553-557, 2007 Jun. (SCI)
- Chih-Hsun Yi, Chi-Tan Hu, Chien-Lin Chen*. Sleep Dysfunction in Patients with GERD:Erosive Versus Nonerosive Reflux Disease. American Journal of the Medical Sciences 334(3):168-170, 2007 Sep. (SCI)Chi-Tan Hu*. Ultrathin Transnasal Endoscopy: Experience of Six Hundred Cases.Gastroenterological Journal of Taiwan 24(3):263-272, 2007 Sep.
- Chi-Tan Hu*. Endoscopic-Guided Versus Cotton-Tipped Applicator Methods of Nasal Anesthesia for Transnasal Esophagogastroduodenoscopy: A Randomized, Prospective, Controlled Study. American Journal of Gastroenterology 103(5):1114-1121, 2008 May. (SCI)Chi-Tan Hu, Jia-Ru Wu, Tsu Yao Chang, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Wen-Sheng Wu*.The transcriptional factor Snail simultaneously triggers cell cycle arrest and migration of human hepatoma HepG2. Journal of Biomedical Science 15(3):343-355, 2008 May. (SCI)
- Wen-Sheng Wu*, Jia-Ru Wu, Chi-Tan Hu. Signal cross talks for sustained MAPK activation and cell migration: the potential role of reactive oxygen species. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews 27(2):303-314, 2008 Jun. (SCI)
- Wei-Yi Lei, Ming-Cheh Chen, Chi-Tan Hu*, Lu-Chin Huang, Shih-Che Huang. Progression of a prepyloric hyperplastic polyp. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 68(3):570, 2008 Sep. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu*. Endoscopic-Guided Versus Cotton-Tipped Applicator Methods of Nasal Anesthesia for Transnasal Esophagogastroduodenoscopy: A Randomized, Prospective, Controlled Study. Response to Dr. Dumonceau et al. American Journal of Gastroenterology 103(12):3209-3210, 2008 Dec. (SCI)
- Tso-Tsai Liu, Chi-Shun Yi, Andy Shau-Bin Chou, Ming-Che Lee, Ming-Cheh Chen, Li-Yu Wang, Hans Hsienhong Lin, Chi-Tan Hu*. Comparison Between the CLIP and Okuda Staging Systems for Prediction of Survival Time of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Eastern Taiwan. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 21(1):34-39, 2009 Mar.\ Chi-Tan Hu, Pei-Yu Chiou, Chao-Chuan Wu, Yi-Hsiung Tseng, Yao-Jen Chang, Nien-Tsung Lin*. Analysis of Resistance to Clarithromycin and Virulence Markers in Helicobacter pylori Clinical Isolates from Eastern Taiwan. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 21(2):123-128, 2009 Jun.
- J. Lin, M. Chen,W. Lei,W. Law, C. Hu*. Eradication of diffuse gastric Peutz-Jeghers polyps by unsedated transnasal snare polypectomy and argon plasma coagulation. Endoscopy 41(Suppl 2):E207-208, 2009 Nov. (SCI)Chi-Tan Hu*. Gauze pledgetting versus endoscopic-guided aerosolized spray for nasal anesthesia before transnasal EGD: a prospective, randomized study. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 71(1): 11-20, 2010 Jan. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu, Tsu-Yao Chang, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Chun-Shan Liu, Jia-Ru Wu, Ming-Che Li, Wen-Sheng Wu*. Snail associates with EGR-1 and SP-1 to upregulate transcriptional activation of p15INK4b. FEBS Journal 277(5): 1202-1218, 2010 Mar. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu*. Nasal anesthesia and body position changes: lessons learned from self-performed, transnasal EGD. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 71(7): 1277-1279, 2010 Jun. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu, Wei-Yi Lei*, Ming-Cheh Chen, Andy Shau-Bin Chou. An unusual complication of peptic ulcer disease. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 72(2): 433-434, 2010 Aug. (SCI)C. Hu*. Reporting the how, where, and grading of nasomucosal injury after transnasal endoscopy. Endoscopy 42(8): 688-689, 2010 Aug. (SCI)
- Wei-Yi Lei, Ming-Cheh Chen, Chi-Tan Hu*. Effects of study design and different criterion standards on diagnostic accuracy of ultrathin endoscopy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy72(4): 901-902, 2010 Oct. (SCI)Chi-Tan Hu*.Remaining in an Upright Position Is Suboptimal for Transnasal Gastroscopy. American Journal of Gastroenterology105(10): 2295-2296; author reply 2296-2297, 2010 Oct. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu*. The SET maneuvers for reducing left-hand strain while doing colonoscopy in a sitting position. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy73(3): 639-640. 2011 Mar. (SCI)
- Wen-Lin Lo, Andy Shau-Bin Chou, Chi-Tan Hu, Jung-Cheng Kang, Wei-Yi Lei, Ta-Chung Wu, Ming-Cheh Chen*. A rare endoscopic finding of GI stromal tumor.Gastrointestinal Endoscopy73(3): 612-613. 2011 Mar. (SCI)
- Hao-Chun Yu, Yung-Hsiang Hsu, Chi-Tan Hu*. A Woman with Improving Cholestasis but Hepatitis Aggravating. Hepatology53(6): 2136-2137. 2011 Jun. (SCI)
- Selena Y. Lin, Veerpal Dhillon, Surbhi Jain, Ting-Tsung Chang, Chi-Tan Hu, Yih-Jyh Lin, Shun-Hua Chen, Kung-Chao Chang, Wei Song, Lixin Yu, Timothy M. Block, Ying-Hsiu Su*. A Locked Nucleic Acid Clamp-Mediated PCR Assay for Detection of a p53 Codon 249 Hotspot Mutation in Urine. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 13(5):474-484. 2011 Sep. (SCI)
- C. T. Hu*. Transnasal pharyngoscopy to assist nasobiliary tube placement: a simple technique to avoid injury to the patient, endoscopist, and endoscope. Endoscopy43(10):923-924. 2011 Oct. (SCI)
- Surbhi Jain, Ting-Tsung Chang, James P. Hamilton, Selena Y. Lin, Yih-Jyh Lin, Alison A. Evans, Florin M. Selaru, Pin-Wen Lin, Shun-Hua Chen, Timothy M. Block, Chi-Tan Hu, Wei Song, Stephen J. Meltzer, Ying-Hsiu Su*. Methylation of the CpG Sites Only on the Sense Strand of the APC Gene Is Specific for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLoS One 6(11):e26799, 1-12. 2011 Nov.(SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu, Jia-Ru Wu, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Sindy Wang, Hsiao-Ting Wang, Ming-Che Lee, Ling-Jung Wang, Siou-Mei Pan, Tsu-Yao Chang, Wen-Sheng Wu*. Reactive oxygen species-mediated PKC and integrin signaling promotes tumor progression of human hepatoma HepG2. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis28(8):851-863. 2011 Dec. (SCI)
- Surbhi Jain, Sitong Chen, Kung-Chao Chang, Yih-Jyh Lin, Chi-Tan Hu#, Batbold Boldbaatar, James P. Hamilton, Selena Y. Lin, Ting-Tsung Chang, Shun-Hua Chen, Wei Song, Stephen J. Meltzer, Timothy M. Block, Ying-Hsiu Su*. Impact of the Location of CpG Methylation within the GSTP1 Gene on Its Specificity as a DNA Marker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLoS One 7(4):e35789, 1-11. 2012 Apr. (SCI)
- Hsiang-Yao Shih, Sophie S.W.Wang, Chao-Hung Kuo, Fu-Chen Kuo, Yi-Yu Chen, Meng-ChiehWu, Bi-ChuangWeng, Yi-Chern Lee, Chi-Tan Hu, Deng-ChyangWu, Yen-Hsu Chen*. Comparison between Single-Dose Esomeprazole- and Pantoprazole-Based Triple Therapy on the Effectiveness for Helicobacter pylori Eradication in Taiwanese Population. Gastroenterology Research and Practice2012(ID 674324):1-5. 2012 Jul 4 Epub. (SCI)
- Ta-Chung Wu, Wei-Yi Lei, Ming-Cheh Chen, Chi-Tan Hu*. Strongyloides stercoralis infection: a health issue regarding indigenous people in Taiwan. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 106(8): 468-472. 2012Aug. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu*. Cotton pledget packing versus topical spray for nasal preparation: merits and demerits are answered by a strict randomized controlled trial. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology270(5):1763-1764. 2013 May. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Siou-Mei Pan, Jia-Ru Wu, Wen-Sheng Wu*. PKC mediates fluctuant ERK-paxillin signaling for hepatocyte growth factor-induced migration of hepatoma cell HepG2. Cellular Signalling 25(6):1457-1467, 2013 Jun. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu, Jia-Ru Wu, Wen-Sheng Wu*. The role of endosomal signaling triggered by metastatic growth factors in tumor progression. Cellular Signalling 25(7):1539-1545.2013 Jul.(SCI)
- Wen-Lin Lo, Jen-Shung Lin, Wei-Yi Lei, Hao-Chun Yu, Li-Keng Chao, Jui-Sheng Hung, Daw-Chian Tang, Chi-Tan Hu*. Transnasal Endoscopy: Savior for Patients with Endoscopy Phobia. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 24(4):271-277. 2013 Aug.
- Chi-Tan Hu*. Let your patients watch and talk during examination: A review of unsedated transnasal endoscopy. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 25(3):139-145. 2013 Sep.
- Ming-Cheh Chen, Chih-Hsun Yi, Li-Yu Wang, Hans Hsienhong Lin, Chi-Tan Hu*. Difference in the Prevalence of CYP2C19 Poor Metabolizers Among Racial and Ethnic Groups of Eastern Taiwan. Gastroenterological Journal of Taiwan30(4):300-308. 2013 Dec.
- Jen-Shung Lin, Wen-Lin Lo, Wei-Yi Lei, Hao-Chun Yu, Li-Keng Chao, Rui-Sheng Hong, Dau-Chen Tang, Chi-Tan Hu*. Historic Progress and New Trend of Nasoenteric Tube Placement. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 24(6):461-468.2013 Dec.
- Rong-Nan Chien, Cheng-Yuan Peng, Jia-Horng Kao, Tsung-Hui Hu, Chun-Che Lin, Chi-Tan Hu, Chi-Yi Chen, Tsai-Yuan Hsieh, Han-Chieh Lin, Wan-Long Chuang*, on behalf of the Taiwan NA-Registry Group. Higher adherence with 3-year entecavir treatment than lamivudine or telbivudine in treatment-naïve Taiwanese patients with chronic hepatitis B. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology29(1):185-192. 2014 Jan. (SCI)
- Ming-Cheh Chen, Wei-Yi Lei, Jen-Shung Lin, Chih-Hsun Yi, Deng-Chyang Wu, Chi-Tan Hu*.Levofloxacin-Amoxicillin/Clavulanate-Rabeprazole versus a Standard Seven-Day Triple Therapy for Eradication of Helicobacter pylori Infection. BioMed Research International (Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology)2014(ID 158520):1-7. 2014 Jun. (SCI)
- Jia-Ru Wu, Chi-Tan Hu, Ren-In You, Pei-Ling Ma, Siou-Mei Pan, Ming-Che Lee, Wen-Sheng Wu*. Preclinical Trials for Prevention of Tumor Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by LZ-8 Targeting c-Met Dependent and Independent Pathways. PLoS One 10(1):e0114495, 1-19. 2015 Jan. (SCI)
- Chao-Chuan Wu, Chi-Tan Hu#, Ming-Che Lee, Yao-Jen Chang, Siou-Mei Pan, Jia-Ru Wu, Shu-Chuan Lin, Wen-Sheng Wu*. Prevention of Hepatocellular carcinoma progression by the Chinese herb derived peptide Lingzhi-8. Journal of Nature and Science1(3):e50, 1-3. 2015 Mar.
- Guang-Hong Jheng, I-Chen Wu, Hsiang-Yao Shih, Meng-Chieh Wu, Fu-Chen Kuo, Huang-Ming Hu, Chung-Jung Liu, Wen-Hung Hsu, Chi-Tan Hu, Ming-Jong Bair, Chao-Hung Kuo, Deng-ChyangWu, Ping-I Hsu*. Comparison of Second-Line Quadruple Therapies with or without Bismuth for Helicobacter pylori Infection. BioMed Research International (Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology)2015(ID 163960):1-6. 2015 May. (SCI)
- Surbhi Jain, Ting-Tsung Chang, Sitong Chen, Batbold Boldbaatar, Adam Clemens, Selena Y. Lin, Ran Yan, Chi-Tan Hu, Haitao Guo, Timothy M. Block, Wei Song, Ying-Hsiu Su*. Comprehensive DNA methylation analysis of hepatitis B virus genome in infected liver tissues. Scientific Reports5(10478):1-11. 2015 May (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Jia-RuWu, Siou-Mei Pan, Wen-Sheng Wu*. PKCε-mediated c-Met endosomal processing directs fluctuant c-Met-JNK-paxillin signaling for tumor progression of HepG2. Cellular Signalling 27(7):1544-1555. 2015 Jul. (SCI)
- Jia-Ru Wu, Chi-Tan Hu, Ren-In You, Siou-Mei Pan, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Ming-Che Lee, Chao-Chuan Wu, Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Chuan Lin, Chang-Shan Chen, Teng-Yi Lin, Wen-Sheng Wu*. Hydrogen peroxide inducible clone-5 mediates reactive oxygen species signaling for hepatocellular carcinoma progression. Oncotarget6(32):32526-32544. 2015 Oct. (SCI)
- Surbhi Jain, Lijia Xie,Batbold Boldbaatar, Selena Y. Lin, James P. Hamilton, Stephen J. Meltzer, Shun-Hua Chen, Chi-Tan Hu, Timothy M. Block, Wei Song*, Ying-Hsiu Su*. Differential methylation of the promoter and first exon of the RASSF1A gene in hepatocarcinogenesis. Hepatology Research45(11):1110-1123. 2015 Nov. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu*. Anterior meatuscopy is more reliable than a sniff test for predicting nasal patency before transnasal endoscopy. Endoscopy International Open3(6):E538-E546. 2015 Dec.
- Chung-Yi Lin, Chi-Tan Hu, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Ming-Che Lee, Siou-Mei Pan, Teng-Yi Lin, Wen-Sheng Wu*. Oxidation of heat shock protein 60 and protein disulfide isomerase activates ERK and migration of human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2. Oncotarget7(10):11067-11082. 2016 Mar. (SCI)
- Tung-Hung Su, Tsung-Hui Hu, Chi-Yi Chen, Yi-Hsiang Huang, Wan-Long Chuang, Chun-Che Lin, Chia-Chi Wang, Wei-Wen Su, Ming-Yao Chen, Cheng-Yuan Peng, Rong-Nan Chien, Yi-Wen Huang, Horng-Yuan Wang, Chih-Lin Lin, Sheng-Shun Yang, Tsung-Ming Chen, Lein-Ray Mo, Shih-Jer Hsu, Kuo-Chih Tseng, Tsai-Yuan Hsieh, Fat-Moon Suk, Chi-Tan Hu, Ming-Jong Bair, Cheng-Chao Liang, Yung-Chao Lei, Tai-Chung Tseng, Chi-Ling Chen, Jia-Horng Kao*, on behalf of the C-TEAM study group and the Taiwan Liver Diseases Consortium. Four-year entecavir therapy reduces hepatocellular carcinoma, cirrhotic events and mortality in chronic hepatitis B patients. Liver International36(12):1755-1764. 2016Dec. (SCI)
- Shi-Ming Lin*, Sheng-Nan Lu, Ping-Tsung Chen, Long-Bin Jeng, Shinn-Cherng Chen, Chi-Tan Hu, Sien-Sing Yang, Marie-Aude Le Berre, Xuan Liu, David Y. Mitchell, Klaas Prins, Joachim Grevel, Carol A. E. Peña, Gerold Meinhardt. HATT: a phase IV, single-arm, open-label study of sorafenib in Taiwanese patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology International11(2):199-208. 2017 Mar. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu, Jia-Ru Wu, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Wen-Sheng Wu*. The Therapeutic Targeting of HGF/c-Met Signaling in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Alternative Approaches. Cancers9(6):58. 2017 Jun. (SCI)
- Yu-Hsi Hsieh*, Chih-Wei Tseng, Chi-Tan Hu, Malcolm Koo, Felix W. Leung. Prospective multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing adenoma detection rate in colonoscopy using water exchange, water immersion, and air insufflation. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy86(1):192-201. 2017 Jul. (SCI)
- Chi-Tan Hu*, Wei-Yi Lei, Jen-Shung Lin, Jui-Sheng Hung. Endoscopic meatus scoring scale versus sniff test to predict insertability before transnasal endoscopy: A prospective, randomized study. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology32(12):1914-1921. 2017 Dec. (SCI)
- Wen-Sheng Wu, Ren-In You, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Ming-Che Lee, Teng-Yi Lin, Chi-Tan Hu*. Snail collaborates with EGR-1 and SP-1 to directly activate transcription of MMP 9 and ZEB1. Scientific Reports7(1):17753. 2017 Dec. (SCI)
- Jeremy Wang, Surbhi Jain, Dion Chen, Wei Song, Chi-Tan Hu*, Ying-Hsiu Su*. Development and Evaluation of Novel Statistical Methods in Urine Biomarker-Based Hepatocellular Carcinoma Screening. Scientific Reports 8(1):3799. 2018 Feb. (SCI)
- Surbhi Jain, Ying-Hsiu Su, Yih-Ping Su, Sierra McCloud, Ruixia Xue, Tai-Jung Lee, Shu-Chuan Lin, Selena Y. Lin, Wei Song, Jamin D. Steffen, Chi-Tan Hu*. Characterization of the hepatitis B virus DNA detected in urine of chronic hepatitis B patients. BMC Gastroenterology 18(1):40. 2018 Mar. (SCI)
- Ren-In You, Wen-Sheng Wu, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Jia-Ru Wu, Siou-Mei Pan, Chi-Wen Chen, Chi-Tan Hu*. Involvement of N-glycan in Multiple Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Targeted by Ling-Zhi-8 for Suppressing HCC413 Tumor Progression. Cancers11(1):9. 2018 Dec. (SCI)
- Felix W. Leung*, Malcolm Koo, Sergio Cadoni, Premysl Falt, Yu-Hsi Hsieh, Arnaldo Amato, Matteo Erriu, Petr Fojtik, Paolo Gallittu, Chi-Tan Hu, Joseph W. Leung, Mauro Liggi, Silvia Paggi, Franco Radaelli, Emanuele Rondonotti, Vit Smajstrla, Chih-Wei Tseng, Ondrej Urban. Water Exchange Produces Significantly Higher Adenoma Detection Rate Than Water Immersion: Pooled Data From 2 Multisite Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology53(3):204-209. 2019 Mar. (SCI)
- Hui Jia, Malcolm Koo, Yu-Hsi Hsieh, Chih-Wei Tseng, Chi-Tan Hu, Linhui Zhang, Tao Dong, Yanglin Pan, Felix W. Leung*. Factors Associated With Adenoma Detection in Propofol-sedated Patients. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology53(7):523-529. 2019 Aug. (SCI)
- Jia-Ru Wu, Ren-In You, Chi-Tan Hu, Chuan-Chu Cheng, Rudy Rudy, Wen-Sheng Wu*. Hydrogen peroxide inducible clone-5 sustains NADPH oxidase-dependent reactive oxygen species-c-jun N-terminal kinase signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncogenesis 8(8):40. 2019 Aug. (SCI)
- Huei Long, Chi-Tan Hu, Ching-Feng Weng*. Antrodia Cinnamomea Prolongs Survival in a Patient with Small Cell Lung Cancer. Medicina55(10):640. 2019 Sep. (SCI)
- You-Yen Lin, Chi-Tan Hu#, Der-Shan Sun, Te-Sheng Lien, Hsin-Hou Chang*. Thioacetamide-induced liver damage and thrombocytopenia is associated with induction of antiplatelet autoantibody in mice. Scientific Reports 9(1):17497. 2019 Nov. (SCI)
- 87年度同時獲得英國劍橋大學分子生物學及倫敦大學King's College肝病研究中心(Institute of Liver Studies)博士班錄取。
- 93年度慈濟醫學雜誌(第十六卷)優秀論文選拔,基礎醫學組第一名。
- 94年度慈濟醫學雜誌(第十七卷)優秀論文選拔,基礎醫學組第一名。
- 98年度Young Investigator Award(YIA) Section亞太特殊研究獎(Asia Pacific Digestive Week, 27–30 Sep 2009, Taipei International Convention, Center Taipei, Taiwan, New Frontier in Digestive Medicine)
- 99年度第十三屆周大觀文教基金會全球熱愛生命獎章。
- 99年度慈濟醫院研究績效卓越獎資深人員第三名。
- 100年度第一、二期慈濟醫院微笑天使選拔第一名。
- 102年度花蓮慈濟醫院優秀研究論文評選-資深醫師組第三名。
- 103年度慈濟大學醫學系102學年度教學優良教師。
- 105年度花蓮慈濟醫院優秀研究論文評選-資深醫師組第三名。