雷尉毅 醫師


專 長

  • 胃食道逆流症之進階診斷與治療
  • 各類食道蠕動功能疾病診斷與治療
  • 功能性腸胃道疾病診斷與治療(如大腸激躁症、功能性消化不良症與功能性食道疾病)
  • 消化性潰瘍與幽門螺旋桿菌治療
  • 慢性B、C型肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌及脂肪肝疾病診斷與治療
  • 一般腸胃肝膽胰疾病診斷與治療
  • 各類診斷及治療性胃鏡、大腸鏡、超音波及肝纖維掃描儀檢查

現 職

  • 花蓮慈濟醫院腸胃肝膽科主治醫師
  • 慈濟大學醫學系副教授
  • 社團法人台灣胃腸神經與蠕動學會第三屆秘書長

學 歷

  • 高雄醫學大學醫學系學士
  • 慈濟大學醫學科學研究所博士

經 歷

  • 關山慈濟醫院腸胃肝膽科主治醫師
  • 花蓮慈濟醫院腸胃內科研究員
  • 台北馬偕醫院住院醫師與腸胃內科研究
  • 日本東京崎玉醫科大學內視鏡研修



  • 台灣內科醫學會
  • 台灣消化系醫學會
  • 台灣內視鏡醫學會
  • 中華民國醫用超音波醫學會
  • 台灣肝癌醫學會
  • 台灣胃腸神經與蠕動醫學會
  • 美國胃腸病學會
  • 美國胃腸神經與蠕動學會


  • 內科專科醫師暨指導醫師
  • 消化系內科專科醫師暨指導醫師
  • 消化系內視鏡專科醫師暨指導醫師
  • 消化系超音波專科醫師
  • 肝癌專科醫師
  • 老人急重症專科醫師


著 作:

1. Yeh JH, Chen CL, Sifrim D, Fass R, Wang WL, Hsu CC, Lei WY. Central neuromodulators for patients with functional esophageal disorders: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Dig Liver Dis 2024 Jun; [aheadofprint](correspondence)
2. Lei WY,Yi CH, Liu TT, Hung JS, Wong MW, Chen CL. Esophageal motor abnormalities in gastroesophageal reflux disorders.Tzu Chi Med J 2024; 36: 120-126
3. Lei WY,Liu TT, Chang WC, Yi CH, Hung JS, Wong MW, Liang SW, Lin L, Chen CL. Effects of Codeine on Esophageal Peristalsis in Patients with Ineffective Esophageal Motility: Studies Using High-resolution Manometry.J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2024 Jan; 30:38-45
4. Lei WY, Lee Jian-Yu, Chuang Shu-Ling, et al. Eradicating helicobacter pylori via 13C-urea breath screening to prevent gastric cancer in indigenous communities: a population-based study and development of a family index-case method. Gut. 2023 Nov; 72:2231-2240 
5. Lei WY,Chen CL. Evaluation of post-POEM GERD: underestimate or overestimate? Am J. Gastroenterol 2023 Feb; 118: 372-373.
6. Lei WY,Liang SW, Omari T, Chang WC, Wong MW, Hung JS, Yi CH, Liu TT, Lin L, Gyawali CP, Chen CL.* Transient hiatal separation during straight leg raise can predict reflux burden in gastroesophageal reflux desease patients with ineffective esophageal motility.J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2022 Oct; 28: 589-598.
7. Lei WY,Liang SW, Hung JS, Wong MW, Liu TT, Yi CH, Lin L, Orr WC, Chen CL. Effects of menthol on esophageal motility in humans: Studies using high-resolution manometry. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2022 May; 34:e14267.
8.Sawada A,Lei WY, Zhang M, Lee C, Ustaoglu A, Chen CL, Sifrim D. Esophageal mucosal sensory nerves and potential mechanoreceptors in patients with ineffective esophageal motility. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2022 Feb; 34(2): e14205(co-first authors)
9. Lei WY,Omari T, Liu TT, Wong MW, Hung JS, Yi CH, Liang SW, Cock C, Chen CL.Esophageal bolus domain pressure and peristalsis associated with experimental induction of esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction.J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2022 Jan 30;28:62-68.
10.Chen CL, Wong MW, Hung JS, Liang SW, Liu TT, Yi CH, Lin L, Orr WC, Lei WY.* Effects of codeine on esophageal peristalsis using high-resolution manometry. J Gastroentrol Hepaol. 2021 Dec; 36:3381-3386.(correspondence)
11. Lei WY,Liu TT, Wang JH, Yi CH, Hung JS, Wong MW, Gyawali CP, Chen CL. Impact of ineffective esophageal motility on secondary peristalsis: Studies with high-resolution manometry. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2021 Apr;33(4): e14024
12. Lei WY, Gyawali CP, Chang WC, Roman S, Wong MW, Yi CH, Liu TT, Hung JS, Liang SW, Chen CL. Application of a novel straight leg raise test during high-resolution manometry can predict esophageal contractile reserve in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2021 Mar;33(3):e13996.
13. Lei WY,Wang JH, Yi CH, Liu TT, Hung JS, Wong MW, Bair MJ, Vaezi MF, Orr WC, Chen CL. Association between use of proton pump inhibitors and colorectal cancer: A nationwide population-based study. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol 2021 Jan; 45:101397
14. Lei WY, Vaezi MF, Naik RD, Chen CL. Mucosal impedance testing: A new diagnostic testing in gastroesophageal reflux disease. J Formos Med Assoc. 2020 Nov;119: 1575-1580.
15. Lei WY,Chang WC, Wen SH, Yi CH, Liu TT, Hung JS, Wong MW, Chen CL. Predicting factors of recurrence in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease: a prospective follow-up analysis. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2019 Jul 24;12:1756284819864549.
16. Lei WY, Hung JS, Yi CH, Liu TT, Wong MW, Chen CL. Effects of esophageal acid infusion vs Mosapride on distension-induced secondary peristalsis in humans.Kaohsiung J. of Med. Sci. 2019 May;35(5):310-314
17. Lei WY, Chang WC, Wen SH, Wong MW, Hung JS, Yi CH, Liu TT, Hsu CS, Orr WC, Vaezi MF, Hsieh TC, Chen CL.Impact of concomitant dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome on symptom burden in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease.J Formos Med Assoc.2019 Apr; 118(4):797-806. 
18. Lei WY, Chang WC, Wong MW, Hung JS, Wen SH, Yi CH, Liu TT, Chen JH, Hsu CS, Hsieh TC, Chen CL. Sleep Disturbance and Its Association with Gastrointestinal Symptoms/Diseases and Psychological Comorbidity. Digestion.2019;99(3):205-212.
Services to medical journals
Reviewer for
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
European journal of medical research
The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences
Advances in Digestive Medicine
Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association
Tzu Chi Medical Journal  


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