蔡昇宗 醫師
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專 長

‧ 巴金森氏症,失智症,水腦症等神經退化疾病及癲癇治療
‧ 腦神經及迷走神經電刺激手術治療
‧ 頸腰椎酸痛,神經疼痛手術,脊椎微創手術
‧ 意識昏迷,腦血管中風與頭部外傷治療
‧ 腦及脊椎腫瘤治療

現 職
‧ 花蓮慈濟大學醫學系教授
‧ 花蓮慈院神經外科部主任
‧ 花蓮慈濟神經外科主治醫師
‧ 台灣神經外科醫學會員
‧ 美國神經外科學會會員

學 歷
‧ 慈濟大學醫學科學研究所博士班畢業
‧ 慈濟大學醫學系畢業
‧ 哈佛大學醫學院神經外科研究員

經 歷
‧ 哈佛大學醫學院暨麻州總醫院神經外科訪問學者醫師
‧ 台灣立體定位功能性神經外科及放射手術學會秘書長
‧ 台灣鬱金香動作障礙關懷協會理事長
‧ 花蓮慈濟醫院總住院醫師

獲 獎
2014年 慈濟大學醫學院優良教師獎
2010年 花蓮縣優秀青年代表
2008年 最佳教學住院醫師
2008年 慈濟醫院年輕研究學者獎
2006年 美國神經外科年會神經外科住院醫師優秀論文獎

論 文
‧ Thangameeran SIM, Pang CY, Lee CH, Tsai ST, Hu WF, Liew HK. Experimental animal models and evaluation techniques in intracerebral hemorrhage. Tzu Chi Med J. Jan-Mar 2023;35(1):1-10.
‧ Ho YJ, Chiang WC, Huang HY, Lin SZ, Tsai ST*. Effectiveness and safety of ventriculoperitoneal shunt versus lumboperitoneal shunt for communicating hydrocephalus: A systematic review and meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis. CNS Neurosci Ther. Mar 2023;29(3):804-815.
Tsai ST, Huang HY*. Network pharmacology implicates traditional Chinese medicine in regulating systemic homeostasis to benefit Alzheimer's disease. Tzu Chi Med J. Apr-Jun 2023;35(2):120-130.
‧ Huang XL, Chen YC, Kuo CC, Tsai ST*. Potential benefits of spinal cord stimulation treatment on quality of life for paralyzed patients with spinal cord injury. Tzu Chi Med J. Apr-Jun 2023;35(2):131-136.
‧ Huang LC, Chen LG, Wu PA, Pang CY, Lin SZ, Tsai ST*, Chen SY*. Effect of deep brain stimulation on brain network and white matter integrity in Parkinson's disease. CNS Neurosci Ther. Jan 2022;28(1):92-104.
‧ Tseng PH, Wu LK, Wang YC, Ho TJ, Lin SZ, Tsai ST*. Diagnosis and treatment for normal pressure hydrocephalus: From biomarkers identification to outcome improvement with combination therapy. Tzu Chi Med J. Jan-Mar 2022;34(1):35-43.
‧ Chen YC, Chen SY, Chen TY, Pan JI, Tsai ST*. Desflurane and sevoflurane differentially affect activity of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease. Br J Anaesth. Feb 2021;126(2):477-485.
‧ Chen YC, Kuo CC, Chen SY, Chen TY, Pan YH, Wang PK, Tsai ST*. Median Nerve Stimulation Facilitates the Identification of Somatotopy of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Parkinson's Disease Patients under Inhalational Anesthesia. Biomedicines. Dec 30 2021;10(1).
‧ ChiaLin Liaoa, PaoHui Tseng, HsinYi Huang, TsungLang Chiua, ShinnZong Lin, Tsaia. S*. Lumbar-peritoneal shunt for idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus and secondary normal pressure hydrocephalus. Tzu Chi Medical Journal. Nov 2021;34(3):323-328.
‧ Chiu TL, Wang YJ, Chang TW, Lin SZ, Tsai ST*. Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor for Treatment of Patients with Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary Pre-Post Study. Brain Sci. Oct 29 2021;11(11).
‧ Tsai S-T, Lee C-H, Lin S-Z, Ding D-C. Stem cell therapy in stroke. Vessel Plus. 2021;5:9.
‧ Mohammed Thangameeran SI, Tsai ST, Hung HY, Hu WF, Pang CY, Chen SY, Liew HK. A Role for Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Cells. Mar 19 2020;9(3).
Tsai ST, Chen SY, Lin SZ, Tseng GF*. Rostral intralaminar thalamic deep brain stimulation ameliorates memory deficits and dendritic regression in β-amyloid-infused rats. Brain Struct Funct. Mar 2020;225(2):751-761.
‧ Tsai ST*, Chen YC, Cheng HY, Lin CH, Lin HC, Yang CH, Liang CC, Chen SY. Spinal cord stimulation for spinal cord injury patients with paralysis: To regain walking and dignity. Tzu Chi Med J. Jan-Mar 2020;33(1):29-33.
Tsai ST, Tseng GF, Kuo CC, Chen TY, Chen SY. Sevoflurane and Parkinson's Disease: Subthalamic Nucleus Neuronal Activity and Clinical Outcome of Deep Brain Stimulation. Anesthesiology. May 2020;132(5):1034-1044.
‧ Wuli W, Tsai ST, Chiou TW, Harn HJ*. Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Herbal Small-Molecule Drugs for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. Int J Mol Sci. Feb 16 2020;21(4).
Tsai ST, Chen TY, Lin SH, Chen SY*. Corrigendum to "Five-Year Clinical Outcomes of Local versus General Anesthesia Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease". Parkinsons Dis. 2019;2019:2654204.
Tsai ST, Harn HJ, Lin SZ, Tseng GF, Chen SY*. Deep Brain Stimulation for Amelioration of Cognitive Impairment in Neurological Disorders: Neurogenesis and Circuit Reanimation. Cell Transplant. Jul 2019;28(7):813-818.
‧ Jiang JL, Chen SY, Tsai ST*. Quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease after subthalamic stimulation: An observational cohort study for outcome prediction. Tzu chi Medical Journal. Apr-Jun 2019;31(2):107-112.
Tsai ST*, Liew HK, Li HM, Lin SZ, Chen SY. Harnessing Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity with Stem Cell Treatment for Addictive Disorders. Cell Transplant. Sep-Oct 2019;28(9-10):1127-1131.
Tsai S-T, Chen T-Y, Lin S-H, Chen S-Y. Five-Year Clinical Outcomes of Local versus General Anesthesia Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson's disease. Jan 2019;2019:5676345-5676345.
‧ Chang TW, Tseng PH, Wang YC, Tseng GF, Chiu TL, Lin SZ, Tsai ST*. Dopaminergic Degeneration and Small Vessel Disease in Patients with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Who Underwent Shunt Surgery. J Clin Med. Apr 11 2020;9(4).
Tsai S-T, Chen S-P, Lin S-H, Lin S-Z, Chen S-Y*. Passive limb movement test facilitates subthalamic deep brain stimulation under general anesthesia without influencing awareness. Tzu Chi Medical Journal. Oct-Dec 2018;30(4):238-241.

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