徐中平 教授

醫師代號 52017

職 稱  副院長兼胸腔外科主治醫師


專 長

  • 肺部手術(肺癌治療)、食道手術(食道及胃賁門癌治療)、微創胸腹腔鏡手術




現 職

  • 佛教慈濟醫療財團法人花蓮慈濟醫院副院長
  • 佛教慈濟醫療財團法人花蓮慈濟醫院 胸腔外科 主治醫師
  • 台灣胸腔外科醫學會榮譽理事長
  • 臨床腫瘤醫學會理事
  • 教育部定教授
  • 國立陽明大學醫學院外科學科兼任教授


學 歷

  • 國防醫學院醫學系(學士)
  • 美國杜克大學醫學中心(臨床研究員)


經 歷

  • 臺北榮民總醫院住院醫師
  • 臺北榮民總醫院總醫師
  • 國軍桃園總醫院主治醫師
  • 國軍桃園總醫院加護病房主任
  • 國軍桃園總醫院一般外科主任
  • 臺中榮民總醫院胸腔外科主治醫師
  • 臺中榮民總醫院外科加護病房主任
  • 陽明大學專任教師
  • 臺中榮民總醫院急診外科主任
  • 臺中榮民總醫院胸腔外科主任
  • 臺中榮民總醫院臨床營養醫療組召集人
  • 臺中榮民總醫院外科部主任
  • 臺灣靜脈暨營養腸道醫學會理事長



1. Chung-Ping Hsu,Cheng-Yen Chuang. Open videoassist techniques: Subxiphoid approach with bilateral thoracoscopy. In Lavin C et al. (edi.): Thymus gland pathology – clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic features. Springer-Verlag Italia, 2008, pp173-179.

2. Chung-Ping Hsu, James M. Douglas. Thoracoscopic lobectomy for lung cancer. In Sabiston DC Jr. (edi.): Atlas of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1995, pp 584-588..

3. Chung-Ping Hsu, James M. Douglas. Thoracoscopic sympathectomy. In  Sabiston DC Jr. (edi.): Atlas of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1955, pp573-575.

4. Chung-Ping Hsu, James M. Douglas. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for posterior mediastinal tumors. In Sabiston DC Jr. (edi.): Atlas of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1955, pp558-560.

5. Chung-Ping Hsu, James M. Douglas. Thoracoscopic approach to the aorticopulmonary window. In Sabiston DC Jr. (edi.): Atlas of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1955, pp556-557.

6. Chung-Ping Hsu, James M. Douglas. Thoracoscopic pulmonary biopsy for diffuse lung disease. In Sabiston DC Jr. (edi.): Atlas of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1955, pp551-552.

7. Chung-Ping Hsu, James M. Douglas. Thoracoscopic wedge resection for indeterminate pulmonary nodule. In Sabiston DC Jr. (edi.): Atlas of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1955, pp546-550.



1.  Hsu PK, Chien LI, Lin CH, Yeh YC, Chuang CY, Hsu HS, Wu YC, Hsu CP*. Impact of perineural invasion as a histopathological prognostic factor in ypStage II/III oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. European Journal of Cardio-ThoracicSurgery0(2018)1–7,doi:10.1093/ejcts/ezy380. 【SCI】

2.  Hsieh HY, Hsu CP, Yeh HL*, Chuang CY, Lin JF, Chang CF. Definite inten- sity-modulated radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy more than 4 cycles improved survival for patients with locally-advanced or inoperable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Kaohsiung J Med Sci.2018May;34(5):281-289. 【SCI】

3.  Li CY, Hsu CP, Li CY, Wu YL, Lee MC, Houng MP*. Synthesis of single- phase Au nanorods in an anodic aluminum oxide template with an optimized process for a highly sensitive and nonenzyme methyl mercaptan gas detector. Microsystem Technologies 2018 Jan 18, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-017-3667-3.【SCI】

4.  Lin JW, Hsu CP, Yeh HL*, Chuang CY, Lin CH. The impact of pathological complete response after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus. J Chin Med Assoc.2018 Jan; 81(1): 18-24.【SCI】

5.  Huang JW, Yeh HL*, Hsu CP, Chuang CY, Lin JC, Lin JF, and Chang CF. Phase II study of preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy withoxaliplatin for locally advanced esophageal cancer. J Chin Med Assoc.2017 July, 80(7): 401-410.【SCI】

6.  Lee MC and Hsu CP*. Surgery in microscopically pathological N2 non-small cell lung cancer: the size of lymph node matters. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2017,9(2): 230-232. 【SCI】

7.  Lemka G, Tsai MH, Lin HC, Hsiao JH, Lee YC, Lu TP, Lee JM, Hsu CP, Lai LC, Chuang EY. Identification of Methylation-Driven, Differentially Ex- pressed STXBP6 as a Novel Biomarker in Lung Adenocarcinoma. Sci Rep. 2017Feb; 15(7): 42573-42585. Doi:10.1038/srep42573.【SCI】

8.  Hsu CP, Chuang HC, Lee MC, Tsou HH, Lee LW, Li JP, Tan TH. GLK/MAP4K3 overexpression associates with recurrence risk for non-small celllung cancer.Oncotarget. 2016; 7(27):41748-41757.【SCI】

9.  Hsieh HY, Yeh HL, Hsu CP, Lin JC, Chuang CY, Lin JF, Chang CF. Feasi- bility of intensity-modulated radiotherapy for esophageal cancer in definite chemoradiotherapy. JChinMed Assoc.2016;79: 375-381.【SCI】

10.  Chen HY, Liu CH, Chang YH, Yu SL, Ho BC,Hsu CP, Yang TY, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Chang CS, Li YC, Li KC, Chang GC, Yang PC. EGFR-activating mutations, DNA copy number abundance of ErbB family, and prognosis in lung adenocarcinoma. Oncotarget 2016 Jan, 7(8): 9017-9025. 【SCI】

11.  Tseng CH, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Ho CC, Hsia TC, Su KY, Chiu KL, Liu CM, Wu TC, Chen HJ, Chen HY, Chang CS,Hsu CP, Hsia JY,Chuang

CY, Lin CH, Chen JJ, Chen KY, Liao WY, Shih JY, Yu SL, Yu CJ, Yang PC, Yang TY, Chang GC. EGFR mutation and lobar location of lung adenocarci- noma. Carcinogenesis 2016 Feb, 37(2): 157-162. 【SCI】

12.  Huang JW,Yeh HL, Hsu CP, Lu YY, Chuang CY, Lin JC, Lin JF,Chang CF. To evaluate the treatment response of locally advanced esophageal cancer af- ter preoperative chemoradiotherapy by FDG-PET/CT scan. J Chin Med Assoc. 2015;78: 229-234. 【SCI】

13.  Chen HY, Yu SL, Ho BC, Su KY, Hsu YC, Chang CS, Li YC, Yang SY, Hsu PY, Ho H, Chang YH, Chen CY, Yang HI, Hsu CP, Yang TY, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Yuan S, Lee MH, Liu CH, Wu GI, Hsiung CA, Chen YM, Wang CL, Huang MS, Yu CJ, Chen KY, Tsai YH, Su WC, Chen HW, Chen JJ, Chen CJ, Chang GC, Yang PC, Li KC. R331W Mis-sense Mutation of Oncogene YAP1 Is a Germline Risk Allele for Lung Ade-nocarcinoma With Medical Actionability. J Clin Oncol. 2015 Jul 10;33(20):2303-10.【SCI】

14.  Lu TP, Hsiao CK, Lai LC, Tsai MH, Hsu CP, Lee JM, Chuang EY. Identifi- cation of regulatory SNPs associated with genetic modifications in lung ade- nocarcinoma. BMC ResNotes.2015 Mar24;8:92. 【SCI】

15.  Hsu KH,Ho CC, Hsia TC, Tseng JS, Su KY, Wu MF, Chiu KL,Yang

TY, Chen KC, Ooi H, Wu TC, Chen HJ, Chen HY, Chang CS,Hsu CP, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Lin CH, Chen JJ, Chen KY, Liao WY, Shih JY, Yu SL, Yu CJ, Yang PC, Chang GC. Identification of Five Driver Gene Mutations in Pa- tients with Treatment-Naïve Lung Adenocarcinoma in Taiwan. PLoS

One. 2015 Mar 19;10(3):e0120852. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120852【SCI】

16.  Hsu CP, Lee LW, Tang SC, Hsin IL, Ko JL. Epidermal growth factor acti- vates telomerase activity by direct binding of Ets-2 to hTERT promoter in lungcancer cells.TumorBiology2015Jul;36(7):5389-98【SCI】

17.  Hsu CP, Wu YL, Lee WY, Li LW, Lin JJ. Effects of Targeted Anticancer Medicines on Post-Cell Removal Surface Morphology of Cancer Cells Culti- vated on 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane Surface. Medicinal chemistry. 2014; S1:http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-0444.S1-007【SCI】

18.  Lai LC, Tsai MH, Chen PC, Chen LH, Hsiao JH, Chen SK, Lu TP, Lee JM,Hsu CP, Hsiao CK, Chuang EY. SNP rs10248565 in HDAC9 as a novel ge- nomic aberration biomarker of lung adenocarcinoma in non-smoking women. JBiomed Sci. 2014 Mar 21; 21(1):24.【SCI】

19.  Hsu PK, Chen HY, Yeh YC, Yen CC, Wu YC, Hsu CP, Hsu WH, Chou TY. TPX2 expression is associated with cell proliferation and patient outcome in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. J. Gastroenterol. (2014)49:1231–1240【SCI】

20.  Hsu WY, Lin CH, Lin CC, Sung FC, Hsu CP*, Kao CH*. The relationship between Helicobacter pylori and cancer risk. Eur J Intern Med 2014 Mar, 25(3):235-40.【SCI】

21.  Liu CY, Lin CH, Yang YF, Hsu CP*. Huge Ectopic Posterior Mediastinal Goiter - A Case Report. Thorac Med 2013, 28:315-320.

22.  Lin CH, Chuang CY, Hsia JY*, Lee MC, Shai SE, Yang SS, Hsu CP. Pulmo- nary sequestration—differences in diagnosis and treatment in a single institu- tion. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2013 July; 76(7):385-389.【SCI】

23.  Tang SC, Wu CH, Lai CH, Sung WW, Yang WJ, Tang LC, Hsu CP*, Ko JL*. Glutathione s-transferase mu2 suppresses cancer cell metastasis in non-small celllung cancer. Mol CancerRes. 2013 May;11(5):518-29. 【SCI】

24.  Yang SY,Yang TY, Li YJ, Chen KC, Liao KM, Hsu KH, Tsai CR, Chen CY,Hsu CP,Hsia JY, Chuang CY,Tsai YH,Chen KY, Huang MS, Su WC, ChenYM, Hsiung CA,Shen CY, Chang GC, Yang PC, Chen CJ. EGFR exon 19 in- frame deletion and polymorphisms of DNA repair genes in never-smoking female lung adenocarcinoma patients. Int J Cancer. 2013 Jan 15;132(2):449- 58【SCI】

25.  Yeh HL, Hsu CP*, Lin JC, Jan JS, Lin JF, Chang CF. A retrospective study of postoperative chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced esophageal squa- mous cell carcinoma. Formosan Journal of Surgery (2012) 45,172-177.

26.  Chang JC, Hsu CP, Hwang B, Lee PC, Tsai CR, Lin MC, Jan LS, Fu YC. Re- fractory Ventricular Tachycardia in a Long QT Syndrome Child Successfully Controlled by Left Cardiac Sympathetic Denervation. Pediatr Neonatol. 2012 Dec;53(6):378-83.【SCI】

27.  Hsin IL, Hsiao YC, Wu MF, Jan MS, Tang SC, Lin YW, Hsu CP*, Ko JL*. Lipocalin 2, a new GADD153 target gene, as an apoptosis inducer of endo- plasmic reticulum stress in lung cancer cells. Toxicology and Applied Phar- macology, 2012; 263:330-337【SCI】

28.  Wei TY, Juan CC, Hsia JY, Su LJ, Lee YC, Chou HY, Chen JM, Wu YC, Chiu SC, Hsu CP, Liu KL, Yu CT. Protein arginine methyltransferase 5 is a potential oncoprotein that upregulates G1 cyclins/CDKs and the PI3K/AKT signalingcascade. Cancer Sci.2012; 103:1640-1650. 【SCI】

29.  Wu YL*, Hsu PY, Hsu CP, Lin JJ. Detecting the effect of targeted anti-cancer medicineson single cancer cells using a poly-silicon wire ion sensor integrated with a confined sensitive window. Biomed Microdevices 2012; 14(5):839-848.【SCI】

30.  Hsu CP, Hsu PY, Wu YL*, Hsu WY, Lin JJ. Evolvement of cell–substrate in- teraction over time for cells cultivated on a3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (                                    - APTES) modified silicon dioxide (SiO2) surface. Applied Surface Science 258(2012)8641– 8648.【SCI】

31.  Lin BY,Wan TT,Hsu CP,Hung FR,Juan CW, Lin CC. Relationships of hospital-based emergency department culture to work satisfaction and intent to leave of emergency physicians and nurses. Health Serv Manage Res. 2012 May;25(2):68-77.

32.  Yuan S, Yu SL, Chen HY, Hsu YC, Su KY, Chen HW, Chen CY, Yu CJ, Shih JY, Chang YL, Cheng CL, Hsu CP, Hsia JY, Lin CY, Wu G, Liu CH, Wang CD, Yang KC, Chen YW, Lai YL, Hsu CC, Lin TC, Yang TY, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Chen JJ, Chang GC, Li KC, Yang PC. Clustered Genomic Alterations in Chromosome 7p Dictate Outcomes and Targeted Treatment Responses of Lung Adenocarcinoma With EGFR-Activating Mutations. J Clin Oncol. 2011 Sep1;29(25):3435-42. Epub 2011 Aug1【SCI】

33.  Lu TP, Lai LC, Tsai MH, Chen PC, Hsu CP, Lee JM, Hsiao CK, Chuang EY. Integrated analyses of copy number variations and gene expression in lung ad- enocarcinoma. PLos ONE 2011, 6(9): e24829.【SCI】

34.  Wu YL, Hsu PY, Hsu CP, Wang CC, Lee LW, Lin JJ.Electrical characteriza-tion of single cells using polysilicon wire ion sensor in an isolation window.BiomedMicrodevices. 2011; 13: 939-947. 【SCI】

35.  Hsu KH, Chen KC, Yang TY, Yeh YC, Chou TY, Chen HY, Tsai CR, Chen CY, Hsu CP, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Tsai YH, Chen KY, Huang MS, Su WC, Chen YM, Hsiung CA, Chang GC, Chen CJ, Yang PC. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutation Status in Stage I Lung Adenocarcinoma with Dif- ferentImagePatterns.J ThoracOncol. 2011;6:1066–1072.【SCI】

36.  Wu YL, Lin JJ*, Hsu PY,Hsu CP. Highly sensitive polysilicon wire sensor for DNA detection usingsilicananoparticles/ -APTES nanocomposite for surface modification. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 155 (2011) 709– 715.【SCI】

37.  Yeh CM, Chen HC, Chou CM*, Hsu CP. Hybrid combination of small subxiphoid incision and thoracoscopic thymectomy for juvenile myasthenia gravis.Journal of Pediatric Surgery(2011) 46, 780–783. 【SCI】

38.  Yang SY, Yang TY, Chen KC, Li YJ, Hsu KH, Tsai CR, Chen CY, Hsu CP, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Tsai YH, Chen KY, Huang MS, Su WC, Chen YM, Hsiung CA, Shen CY, Chang GC, Yang PC, Chen CJ.EGFR L858R Mutationand Polymorphisms of Genes related to Estrogen Biosynthesis and Metabo-lism in Never-smoking Female Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients.Clin Cancer Res.2011 Apr15;17(8):2149-2158. 【SCI】

39.  Tang SC, Wu MF, Wong RH, Liu YF, Tang LC, Lai CH, Hsu CP*, Ko JL*.Epigenetic mechanisms for silencing glutathione S-transferase m2 expressionby hypermethylated specificity protein 1 binding in lung cancer.Cancer. 2011Jul 15;117(14): 3209-21. 【SCI】

40.  Lin, B.Y.J., Hsu, C.P.C., Juan, C.W., *Lin, C.C., Lin, H.J., Chen, J.C. The role of leader behaviors in hospital-based emergency departments' unit per- formance and employee work satisfaction. Social Science & Medicine 2011, 72(2), 238-246. 【SSCI】

41.  Liang RL, Yang SS*, Hsu CP, Lee FY. Chemotherapy-Sensitive Ectopic Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Multiple Mediastinal Metastasis-A Case Re- port.胸腔醫學 2010;25:119-124.

42.  Lu TP,Tsai MH, Lee JM,Hsu CP, Chen PC, Lin CW, Shih JY, Yang PC,Hsiao CK, Lai LC,Chuang EY. Identification of a Novel Biomarker, SE- MA5A, for Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma in Nonsmoking Women. Can- cerEpidemiolBiomarkers Prev.2010 Oct;19(10):2590-7.【SCI】

43.  Hsu PK, Shai SE, Wang J, Hsu CP. Esophageal metastasis from occult lung cancer. J Chin Med Assoc, 2010 Jun, 73(6): 327-30.

44.  Ko CL, Yang CY, Chung CY, Wen MC,Hsu CP, Miaw J, Hsia JY*. Lack of Fas-pathway gene mutations in primary resected esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Chang Gung Med J. 2010Mar-Apr;33(2):145-51.

45.  Hsin IL, Sheu GT, Chen HH, Chiu LY, Wang HD, Chan HW, Hsu CP*, Ko JL*. N-acetyl cysteine mitigates curcumin-mediated telomerase inhibition through rescuing of Sp1 reduction in A549 cells. Mutation Re- search/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 2010 Jun 1;688(1-2):72-77.Epub2010 Apr2. 【SCI】

46.  Wu YL, Hsu PY, Hsu CP, Liu WC. Polysilicon Wire for the Detection of Label-Free DNA. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157(6): J191-J195. 2010.【SCI】

47.  Ko CL*, Lee MC, Hsu CP. Benign Primary Pulmonary Meningioma with Malignant Behavior. Thorac Med, 2010; 25(2):62-66.

48.  Tang SC, Seu GT, Wong RH, Huang CY, Weng MW, Lee LW, Hsu CP*, Ko JL*. Expression of glutathione S-transferase M2 in stage I/II non-small cell lung cancer and alleviation of DNA damage exposure to benzo[a]pyrene. ToxicologyLetters, 192:316-323. 2010. 【SCI】

49.  Lee MC, Hsu CP*, Shin WC. Modified Percutaneous Dilatational Trache- ostomy without Bronchoscopic Guidance of 165 Consecutive Cases. Formo- san Journal of Surgery, 42: 321-328.2009.

50.  Hsu CP*, Hsia JY, Chang GC, Chuang CY, Shai SE, Yang SS, Lee MC, Kwan PC. Surgical-pathologic factors affect long-term outcomes in stage IB (pT2 N0 M0) non-small cell lung cancer: a heterogeneous disease. J Thorac CardiovascSurg, 2009Aug;138(2):426-33. Epub 2009Mar28【SCI】

51.  Hsu NY, Cheng YW, Chan IP, Ho HC, Chen CY, Hsu CP, Lin MH, Chou MC. Association between expression of human papillomavirus 16/18 E6 on- coprotein and survival in patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer. OncologyReports, 2009Jan;21(1):81-7. 【SCI】

52.  Yeh HL,Hsu CP, Lin JC, Jan JS, Lin JF, Chang CF, Wu CT. Clinical out- come of postoperative intensity-modulated radiotherapy for esophageal can- cer. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology2008;15:269-278.

53.  Lee MC, Hsu CP, Hsia JY. Surgical treatment of endobronchial leiomyosar- coma with right main bronchus total obstruction: a case report. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2008Apr;14(2):105-8.

54.  Liao CH, Hsiao YM, Lin CH, Yeh CS, Wang JC, Ni CH, Hsu CP*, and Ko JL *. Induction of premature senescence in human lung cancer by fungal immunomodulatory protein from Ganoderma tsugae. Food and Chemical Toxicology46 (2008) 1851–1859. 【SCI】

55.  Lin BYJ, Hsu CP, Chao MC, Luh SP, Hung SW, and Breen GM. Physician and Nurse Job Climates in Hospital-Based Emergency Departments in Tai- wan: Management and Implications. Journal of Medical Systems 32:269-281. 2008. 【SCI】

56.  Wu HC, Hsia JY, Hsu CP. Esophageal laceration with intramural dissection mimics esophageal perforation. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2008 Oct;7(5):864-5. Epub 2008 Jul18

57.  Hsu NY, Chen CY, Hsu CP, Lin TY, Chou MC, Chiou SH, Chow KC.Prognostic significance of expression of nm23-H1 and focal adhesion kinase in non-smallcell lungcancer. OncologyReports2007; 18: 81-85. 【SCI】

58.  Liao CH, Hsiao YM, Sheu GT, Chang JT, Wang PH, Wu MF, Shieh GJ, Hsu CP*, and Ko JL. Nuclear Translocation of Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase and Calcium Signaling in Repression of Telomerase Activity in Human Lung Cancer Cells by Fungal Immunomodulatory Protein from Ganoderma tsugae. BiochemicalPharmacology2007; 74, 1541-1551.【SCI】

59.  Hsu CP, Ko JL, Shaia SE, Lee LW. Modulation of telomere shelterin by TFR1 and TRF2 interacts with telomerase to maintain the telomere length in non-smallcelllung cancer. LungCancer 2007;58(3): 310-316. 【SCI】

60.  Lai ST, Hsu CP*. Carcinoma Arising from an Epiphrenic Diverticulum: A Frequently Misdiagnosed Disease. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2007;13:110-113.

61.  Liao CH, Hsiao YM, Hsu CP, Lin MY, Wang JC, Huang YL, and Ko JL. Transcriptionally mediated inhibition of telomerase of fungal immunomodu- latory protein from Ganoderma tsugae in A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cellline. Mol Carcinog. 2006 Apr;45(4):220-9.【SCI】

62.  Lee MC, Hsu CP*. Organo-axial Rotation of the Stomach Caused by Rolling up of the Greater Omentum in a Patient with Morgagni Hernia, Sliding Hia- tal Hernia and Umbilical Hernia. Thorac Med2006;21(5):473-477.

63.  Hsu CP*, Hsu NY, Lee LW, Ko JL. Ets2 binding site single nucleotide pol- ymorphism at the hTERT gene promoter – effect on telomerase expression and telomere length maintenance in non-small cell lung cancer. Eur J Cancer. 2006Jul; 42(10): 1466-74. 【SCI】

64.  Hsu CP*, Shen GH, Ko JL. Matrix metalloproteinase-13 expression is asso- ciated with bone marrow microinvolvement and prognosis in non-small cell lungcancer.LungCancer. 2006 Jun; 52(3): 349-57. 【SCI】

65.  Hsu CP*, Lee LW, Shai SE, and Chen CY. Clinical significance oftelomer- ase and its associate genes expression in maintenance of telomere lengthin

squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. World J. Gastroenterol. 2005 Nov; 11(44): 6941-6947. 【SCI】

66.  Hsu NY, Shih CS, Hsu CP, and Chen PR. Spontaneous hemopneumothorax revisited: clinical approach and systemic review of the literature. Ann Thorac Surg. 2005 Nov; 80(5):1859-63. 【SCI】

67.  Hsia JY, Chen JT, Chen CY, Hsu CP, Miaw J, Huang YS, and Yang CY. Prognostic significance of intratumoral natural killer cells in primary resected esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Chang Gung Med J. 2005 May;28(5): 335-40.

68.  Hsu CP*, Hsu NY, Shai SE, Hsia JY, and Chen CY. Pre-tracheal lymph node metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of the thoracic esophagus. Eur J SurgOncol. 2005 Sep;31(7):749-54. 【SCI】

69.  Weng MW, Lai JC, Hsu CP, Yu KY, Chen CY, Lin TS, Lai WW, Lee H, and Ko JL. Alternative splicing of MDM2 mRNA in lung carcinomas and lungcell lines. EnvironMol Mutagen. 2005, 46(1):1-11.【SCI】

70.  Hsu CP*, Miaw J, Shai SE, and Chen CY. Correlation between telomerase expression and terminal restrictionfragment length ratio in non-small cell lung cancer—an adjustedmeasurement and its clinical significance. Euro J Cadio-thoracSurg. 2004,26: 425-431. 【SCI】

71.  Lin TS, Chiou SH, Wang LS, Huang HH, Chiang SF, Shih AY, Chen YL, Chen CY, Hsu CP, Hsu NY, Chou MC, Kuo SJ, Chow KC. Expression spec- tra of matrix metalloproteinases in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. On- colRep. 2004, 12(4): 717-23. 【SCI】

72.  Hsu CP*, Chuang CY, Hsu NY, and Chen CY. Comparison between the right side and subxiphoid bilateral approaches in performing video-assisted thoracoscopic extended thymectomy for myasthenia gravis. Surg Endosc. 2004,18(5):821-4.【SCI】

73.  Hsu CP*, Shai SE, Hsia JY, and Chen CY. Clinical significance of bone marrow microinvolvement in non-small cell lung cancer – A long-term fol- low-upreport. Caner 2004, 100(4):794-800. 【SCI】

74.  Yeh CM, Chen CY, Hsu CP, Hsia JY, Chuang CY. Adenosquamous carci- noma of the lung: Surgical results at Taichung Veterans General Hospital. Thoracic Medicine2004;18:481-485

75.  Tung YW, Hsu CP*, Shai SE, Hsia JY, Yang SS, and Chen CY. Surgical Feasibility of ipsilateral multifocal NSCLC in different lobes – Excellent survival in node negative subgroup. Euro J Cadio-thorac Surg. 2003, 24:1008-1012.【SCI】

76.  Hsia JY, Chen CY, Hsu CP, Shai SE, Yang SS, and Chuang CY. Outpatient thoracoscopic sympathicotomy for axillary osmidrosis. Euro J Cadio-thorac Surg. 2003, 24: 425-427.【SCI】

77.  Hsu CP*, Miaw J, Hsia JY, Shai SE and Chen CY. Concordantexpression

of the telomerase associated genes in non-small cell lung cancer. EJSO. 2003, 29, 594-599. 【SCI】

78.  Wu TC, Lin P, Hsu CP, Huang YJ, Chen CY, Chung WC, Lee H, Ko JL. Loss of telomerase activity may be a potential favorable prognostic marker in lungcarcinomas.LungCancer 2003, 41(2):163-169【SCI】

79.  Hsia JY, Chen CY, Chen JT,Hsu CP, Shai SE, Yang SS, Chuang CY. Prog- nostic significance of caspase-3 expression in primary resected esophageal squamouscellcarcinoma. Euro JSurgOncol2003;29:44-48.【SCI】

80.  Hsu CP, Chuang CY, Hsu NY, Shia SE. Subxiphoid approach fro video- assisted thoracoscopic extended thymectomy in treating myastheniagravis. Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 2002,1:4-8.

81.  Hsu CP*. Subxiphoid approach for thoracoscopic thymectomy. Surg Endosc. 2002Jul;16(7):1105.【Sci】

82.  Chen CY, Hsu CP, Hsu NY, Shih CS, Lin TY, Chow KC. Expression of di- hydrodiol dehydrogenase in the resected stage I non-small cell lung cancer. OncologyReports 2002,9:515-519.【Sci】

83.  Tung YW, Hsu CP, Chuang CY, Shai SE, Hsia JY, Yang SS, Chen CY.Ex-

perience in the treatment of recurrent pneumothorax after VATS: focusing on operative findings. Thorac Med 2002; 17:226-231.

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