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現 職
- 花蓮慈濟醫院泌尿部泌尿腫瘤科主任
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- 台灣泌尿科醫學會機器手臂暨腹腔鏡手術委員會委員、訓練醫院評鑑委員會委員、資訊及線上教育委員會委員、功能性泌尿學委員會副主委
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- 慈濟大學醫學系
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- 佛教花蓮慈濟醫院泌尿科住院總醫師
- 佛教花蓮慈濟醫院泌尿科主治醫師
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- 台灣泌尿科醫學會 達文西機器手臂手術認證合格醫師
- 台灣泌尿科醫學會 達文西機器手臂手術指導醫師
- 102 年台灣泌尿科醫學會年會四大論文獎: 輝瑞優秀論文獎
- 花蓮慈濟醫院102 年-院內優秀臨床論文獎「新進醫師組」第二名
- 花蓮慈濟醫院103 年-院內優秀臨床論文獎「新進醫師組」第二名
- 花蓮慈濟醫院104 年-院內優秀臨床論文獎「新進醫師組」第二名
- 2014 第29屆歐洲泌尿科醫學會年會最佳論文海報
- 105 年台灣泌尿科醫學會論文獎: 理事長論文獎
- 105 年台灣泌尿科醫學會:優秀年輕泌尿科醫師獎
- 106 年台灣泌尿科醫學會:紀念謝有福教授論文獎
- 2017 慈濟醫學年會: 個人最佳年輕研究成果獎
- 2019 國際尿控協會(ICS):Best in Category Prize 最佳論文獎
2021 台灣泌尿科醫學會第四屆機器手臂暨腹腔鏡手術影片大賽:機器手臂手術組腎臟手術優勝
2022 台灣泌尿科醫學會第五屆機器手臂暨腹腔鏡手術影片大賽:機器手臂手術組優勝
2023 國際尿控協會(ICS)年會: 手術影片發表- 達文西膀胱陰道廔管修補術
- 2024 台灣泌尿科醫學會第七屆機器手臂暨腹腔鏡手術影片大賽:機器手臂手術組優勝
- Jiang YH, Ke QS, Kuo HC: Clinical symptoms and videourodynmic findings of detrusor overactivity in women. Urol Sci 2011;22:116-9.
Lee KF, Hsu CS, Kuo PL, Chen JL, Jiang YH, Liu IY: The identification of a spontaneous 47, XX, +21/46, XY chimeric fetus with male genitalia. BMC Med Genet 2012;13:85. (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Wang CC, Chuang FC, Ke QS, Kuo HC: Positioning of a suburethral sling at the bladder neck is associated with a higher recurrence rate of stress urinary incontinence. J Ultrasound Med 2013;32:239-45. (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Kuo HC, Hsu YH: Renal endometriosis mimicking an angiomyolipoma: A case report. Urol Sci 2013;24:24-6.
- Jiang YH*, Lin VC*, Liao CH, Kuo HC: International prostatic symptom score - voiding/storage subscore ratio in association with total prostatic volume and maximum flow rate is diagnostic of bladder outlet-related lower urinary tract dysfunction in men with lower urinary tract symptoms. PLoS One 2013;8:e59176. (SCI) (*: equal contribution)
- Jiang YH, Peng CH, Liu HT, Kuo HC: Increased pro-inflammatory cytokines, C-reactive protein and nerve growth factor expressions in serum of patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. PLoS One 2013;8:e76779. (SCI)
- Liu HT, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Increased serum adipokines implicate chronic inflammation in the pathogenesis of overactive bladder syndrome refractory to antimuscarinic therapy. PLoS One 2013;8:e76706. (SCI)
- Chou YC, Jiang YH, Harnod T, Kuo HC: Characteristics of neurogenic voiding dysfunction in cerebellar stroke: A cross-sectional, retrospective video urodynamic study. Cerebellum 2013;12:601-6. (SCI)
- Lee CL, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Increased apoptosis and suburothelial inflammation in patients with ketamine-related cystitis: a comparison with non-ulcerative interstitial cystitis and controls. BJU Int 2013;112:1156-62. (SCI)
- Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Adding Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor to alpha blocker for patients with benign prostate hyperplasia and elevated serum prostate specific antigen could not improve prostate biopsy detection rate but improve lower urinary tract symptoms. Int J Clin Pract 2013; 67:1327-33. (SCI)
- Chen SF, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Lee CL, Kuo HC. Bladder management and urological complications in patients with chronic spinal cord injured in Taiwan. Tzu Chi Med J 2014; 26:25-8.
- Jiang YH, Liu HT, Kuo HC: Decrease of urinary nerve growth factor but not brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome treated with hyaluronic Acid. PLoS One 2014;9:e91609. (SCI)
- Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Potential therapeutic effect of intravesical botulinum toxin type A on bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis. Int J Urol 2014;21(Suppl 1):49-55. (SCI)
- Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Transurethral incision of the bladder neck improves voiding efficiency in female patients with detrusor underactivity. Int Urogynecol J 2014;25:671-6. (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Liao CH, Tang DL, Kuo HC: Efficacy and safety of intravesical onabotulinumtoxinA injection on elderly patients with chronic central nervous system lesions and overactive bladder. PLoS One 2014;9:e105989. (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Liao CH, Kuo HC. How much improvement is needed for a real difference of lower urinary tract symptoms after long-term combination therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Int J Clin Pract 2014; 68:1081-6.(SCI)
- Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Elevated serum IgE may be associated with development of ketamine cystitis. J Urol 2014;192:1249-56. (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Urothelial dysfunction and increased suburothelial inflammation of urinary bladder are involved in patients with upper urinary tract urolithiasis--clinical and immunohistochemistry study. PLoS One 2014;9:e110754. (SCI)
- Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Lee CL, Kuo HC. Clinical presentation and underlying pathophysiology of an underactive bladder. Tzu Chi Med J 2015; 27:1-6 (Review)
- Liu HT, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Alteration of urothelial inflammation, apoptosis, and junction protein in patients with various bladder conditions and storage bladder symptoms suggest common pathway involved in underlying pathophysiology. Low Urin Tract Symptoms 2015;7:102-7. (SCI)
- Ke QS, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Role of bladder neck and urethral sphincter dysfunction in men with persistent bothersome lower urinary tract symptoms after α-1 blocker treatment. Low Urin Tract Symptoms 2015;7:143-8. (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Liao CH, Kuo HC: Current and potential urological applications of botulinum toxin A. Nat Rev Urol 2015;12(9):519-33. (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Liu HT, Kuo HC: Urothelial dysfunction and chronic inflammation in patients with spinal cord injuries at different levels and correlation with urodynamic findings. Neurourol Urodyn 2015;34(8):757-62. (SCI)
Wu HT*, Jiang YH*, Liu AB, Liu CW, Ou YN, Kuo HC, Sun CK: Multiscale entropy analysis of surface electromyographic signals from urethral sphincter as a prognostic indicator for surgical candidates with primary bladder neck obstruction. Entropy 2015; 17(12):8089-98. (SCI) (*: equal contribution)
- Chen JL, Chen SF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Practical points in the medical treatment of overactive bladder and nocturia in the elderly. Tzu Chi Med J 2016; 28(1):1-5.
- Liao CH, Wang CC, Jiang YH: Intravesical onabotulinumtoxinA injection for overactive bladder patients with frailty, medical comorbidities or prior lower urinary tract surgery. Toxins (Basel). 2016;8(4):91. (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC: Revisiting the role of potassium sensitivity testing and cystoscopic hydrodistention for the diagnosis of interstitial cystitis. PLoS One 2016;11(3):e0151692. (SCI)
- Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: The role of immunoglobulin E in the pathogenesis of ketamine related cystitis and ulcerative interstitial cystitis: An immunohistochemical study. Pain Physician 2016;19(4):E581-7. (SCI)
- Kuo HC, Jiang YH, Tsai YC, Kuo YC: Intravesical botulinum toxin-A injections reduce bladder pain of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome refractory to conventional treatment - A prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Neurourol Urodyn 2016;35(5):609-14 (SCI)
- Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Lee CL, Kuo HC: Long-term follow up and predictive factors for successful outcome of transurethral incision of the bladder neck in women with detrusor underactivity. J Formos Med Assoc 2016;115(9):807-13 (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Lee CL, Kuo HC: Urothelial dysfunction, suburothelial inflammation, and altered sensory protein expression in men with bladder outlet obstruction and various bladder dysfunctions: correlation with urodynamics. J Urol 2016;196(3):831-7 (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Wang CC, Kuo HC: OnabotulinumtoxinA urethral sphincter injection as treatment for non-neurogenic voiding dysfunction - A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Sci Rep 2016;6:38905. (SCI)
- Wu SY, Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Increased bladder wall thickness is associated with severe symptoms and reduced bladder capacity in patients with bladder pain syndrome. Urol Sci 2016;27(4):263-8.
- Wang CC, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Efficacy and adherence of flexibly adding on a second antimuscarinic agent for patients with refractory overactive bladder. Low Urin Tract Symptoms 2017;9(1):27-32. (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Urothelial barrier deficits, suburothelial inflammation and altered sensory protein expressions in detrusor underactivity. J Urol 2017; 197(1):197-203. (SCI)
- Jiang YH, Ong HL, Kuo HC: Predictive factors of adverse events after intravesical suburothelial onabotulinumtoxina injections for overactive bladder syndrome-A real-life practice of 290 cases in a single center. Neurourol Urodyn 2017;36(1):142-147. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Reduction of urgency severity is the most important factor in the subjective therapeutic outcome of intravesical onabotulinumtoxinA injection for overactive bladder. Neurourol Urodyn 2017; 36(2):338-343. (SCI)
- Wu SY, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Therapeutic efficacy of a new procedure for male incontinence combining a suburethral polypropylene mesh and cardiovascular patch. Int Neurourol J 2017;21(1):38-45. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Video-urodynamic characteristics of non-neurogenic, idiopathic underactive bladder in men – a comparison of men with normal tracing and bladder outlet obstruction. PLoS One 2017;12(4):e0174593. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Recent researches on the role of urodynamic study in the diagnosis and treatment of male lower urinary tract symptoms and urinary incontinence. Tzu Chi Med J 2017; 29(2):72-78. (Review)
Wu SY, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Long-term outcome of augmentation enterocystoplasty in patients with end-stage bladder diseases: a single institute experience involving 102 patients. Int Neurourol J 2017;21(2):133-138.(SCI)
Jiang YH, Hong YL, Kuo HC: Urodynamic changes in patients with prostate cancer undergoing robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy: A comparison with laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Urol Sci 2017;28(3):174-179.
Chen SF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Urinary biomarkers in patients with detrusor underactivity with and without bladder function recovery. Int Urol Nephrol 2017;49(10):1763-1770. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Lee CL, Jhang JF, Kuo HC: Current pharmacological and surgical treatment of underactive bladder. Tzu Chi Med J 2017;29(4):187-191.
Jiang YH, Liao CH, Kuo HC: Role of bladder dysfunction in men with lower urinary tract symptoms refractory to alpha-blocker therapy: a video-urodynamic analysis. Low Urin Tract Symptoms 2018; 10(1):32-37. (SCI)
Chen SF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Urothelial dysfunction and chronic inflammation are associated with increased bladder sensation in patients with chronic renal insufficiency. Int Neurourol J 2018;22(Suppl 1):S46-54.(SCI)
Jiang YH, Wang CC, Kuo HC: Videourodynamic findings of lower urinary tract dysfunctions in men with persistent storage lower urinary tract symptoms after medical treatment. PLoS One 2018; 13(2): e0190704. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Lee CL, Kuo HC. Comparative study of efficacy and safety between bladder body and trigonal intravesical onabotulinumtoxinA injection in the treatment of interstitial cystitis refractory to conventional treatment – A prospective, randomized, clinical trial. Neurourol Urodyn 2018; 37(4): 1467-1473. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Ho HC, Jiang YH, Lee CL, Hsu YH, Kuo HC: Electron microscopic characteristics of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome and their association with clinical condition. PLOS One 2018;13(6):e0198816. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Jiang YH, Lee CL, Kuo HC: Histopathological characteristics of ketamine-associated uropathy and their clinical association. Neurourol Urodyn 2018; 37(5):1764-1772.(SCI)
Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Peng CW, Jiang YH, Ho HC, Kuo HC: Epstein–barr virus presence as a potential etiology of persistent bladder inflammation in human interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. J Urol 2018;200(3):590-596. (SCI)
Wu SY, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Detrusor underactivity and bladder outlet procedures in men. Curr Bladder Dysfunct Rep 2018. Sep.13,274–281(Review) (SCI)
Jiang YH, Chen SF, Jhang JF, Kuo HC: Therapeutic effect of urethral sphincter onabotulinumtoxinA injection for urethral sphincter hyperactivity. Neurourol Urodyn 2018; 37(8):2651-2657. (SCI)
Huang HC, Jiang YH, Lin Victor CH, Tsai YC, Kuo HC: Possible predictor of early recovery on urinary continence after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy – bladder neck level and urodynamic parameters. J Formosan Med Assoc 2019 Jan;118(1 Pt 2):237-243. (SCI)
Chen SF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Single onabotulinumtoxinA 200U dose improved clinical symptoms but not urothelial dysfunction in neurogenic detrusor overactivity due to spinal cord injury.J Formos Med Assoc 2019 Jan;118(1 Pt 1):125-133. (SCI)
Chou YC, Jiang YH, Tomor Harnod, Lee HT, Shen CC, Kuo HC: Stroke and lower urinary tract symptoms: A neurosurgical view. Urol Sci 2019;30(1):8-13.
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Chen SF, Kuo HC: Videourodynamic factors predictive of successful onabotulinumtoxinA urethral sphincter injection for neurogenic or non-neurogenic detrusor underactivity. Low Urin Tract Symptoms 2019 Jan;11(1):66-71.(SCI)
Ong HL, Jiang YH, Kuo HC: Repeat retropubic suburethral sling procedure is effective for recurrent female stress urinary incontinence. Low Urin Tract Symptoms. 2019 Apr;11(2):O89-O92. (SCI)
Wang CC, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Higher urge severity score prediction of resumption of overactive bladder (OAB) medication following discontinuation of mirabegron treatment in patients with OAB. Low Urin Tract Symptoms 2019; 11(2):O180- O185. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Molecular characteristics of underactive bladder. Curr Bladder Dysfunct Rep 2019; 14(2):47-57. (Review) (SCI)
Ke QS, Jhang JF, Lin TY, Ho HC, Jiang YH, Hsu YH, Kuo HC: Therapeutic potential of intravesical injections of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of lower urinary tract disorders due to regenerative deficiency. Tzu Chi Med J. 2019 Jul-Sep;31(3):135-143.
Chen JL, Jiang YH, Lee CL, Kuo HC. Precision medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of male lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Tzu Chi Med J 2020; 32(1):5-13. (Review)
Jiang YH, Chen SF, Kuo HC. Role of videourodynamic study in precision diagnosis and treatment for lower urinary tract dysfunction. Tzu Chi Med J 2020; 32(2):121-130. (Review)
Jhang JF, Birder L, Jiang YH, Hsu YH, Ho HC, Kuo HC. Dysregulation of bladder corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor in the pathogenesis of human interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. Sci Rep 2019; 9(1):19169. (SCI)
Wang CC, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. The pharmacological mechanism of diabetes mellitus-associated overactive bladder and its treatment with botulinum toxin A. Toxins (Basel) 2020; 12(3):186. (Review) (SCI)
Jiang YH, Yu WR, Kuo HC. Therapeutic effect of botulinum toxin A on sensory bladder disorders – from bench to bedside. Toxins (Basel) 2020; 12(6):166. (Review) (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Ho HC, Wu YH, Kuo HC. Urine cytokines as biomarkers for diagnosing interstitial cystitis/ bladder pain syndrome and mapping its clinical characteristics. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2020; 318(6): F1391- F1399. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Kuo YC, Jhang JF, Lee CH, Hsu YH, Ho HC, Kuo HC. Repeated intravesical injections of platelet-rich plasma improve symptoms and alter urinary functional proteins in patients with refractory interstitial cystitis. Sci Rep 2020; 10(1):15218. (SCI)
Ho HC, Hsu YH, Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Ultrastructural changes in the underactive bladder. Tzu Chi Med J 2020; 33(4):345-9. (Review)
Jiang YH, Chen SF, Kuo HC. Frontiers in the clinical applications of botulinum toxin A as treatment for neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction. Int Neurourol J 2020; 24(4):301-312. (Review)(SCI)
Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Jiang YH, Ho HC, Kuo HC. Clinical relevance of bladder histopathological findings and their impact on treatment outcomes among patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome: An investigation of the European Society for the Study of Interstitial Cystitis histopathological classification. J Urol 2021; 205(1):226-235. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Ho HC, Wu YH, Kuo HC. Urine biomarkers in ESSIC type 2 interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome and overactive bladder with developing a novel diagnostic algorithm. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):914-923. (SCI)
Yu WR, Jhang JF, Ho HC, Jiang YH, Lee CL, Hsu YH, Kuo HC. Cystoscopic hydrodistention characteristics provide clinical and long-term prognostic features of interstitial cystitis after treatment. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):455-466. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Lee PJ, Kuo HC. Therapeutic efficacy of urethral sphincter injections of platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence due to intrinsic sphincter deficiency – A proof of concept clinical trial. Int Neurourol J 2021; 25(1):51-58. (SCI)
Yang HH, Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Jiang YH, Zhai WJ, Kuo HC. Smaller bladder capacity and stronger bladder contractility in patients with ketamine cystitis are associated with elevated TRPV1 and TRPV4. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):5200-5209. (SCI)
Lee PJ, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. A novel management for postprostatectomy urinary incontinence: platelet-rich plasma urethral sphincter injection. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):5371. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Kuo HC. High percentage of neurologic deficits in the electrophysiology study of the lower urinary tract in patients with detrusor underactivity and chronic urinary retention. Neurourol Urodyn 2021; 40(3): 883-890. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Lin TY, Ho HC, Jiang YH, Hsu YH, Lori Birder, Kuo HC. Deficits of urothelial cell proliferation, cytoskeleton, and barrier function protein expressions in patients with recurrent and persistent urinary tract infections. Low Urin Tract Symptoms 2021; 13(2):203-209. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Ho HC, Lin TY, Lori Birder, Kuo HC. Urothelial health after platelet-rich plasma injection in intractable recurrent urinary tract infection: improved cell proliferation, cytoskeleton, and barrier function protein expression. Low Urin Tract Symptoms 2021; 13(2):271-278. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Lee CL, Chen SF, Kuo HC. Therapeutic effects of urethral sphincter botulinum toxin A injection on dysfunctional voiding with different videourodynamic characteristics in non-neurogenic women. Toxins 2021; 13(5):362-372. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Hsu YH, Ho HC, Kuo HC. Pathogenesis evidence from human and animal models of detrusor underactivity. Tzu Chi Med J 2022; 34: 287-96.
Chiang CH, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Therapeutic efficacy of biofeedback pelvic floor muscle exercise in women with dysfunctional voiding. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):13757-13765. (SCI)
Lee YK, Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Hsu YH, Ho HC, Kuo HC. Difference in electron microscopic findings among interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome with distinct clinical and cystoscopic characteristics. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):17258-17268. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Hsu YH, Ho HC, Kuo HC. Decreased urothelial cytoskeleton and cell proliferation protein expression suggest interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome patients with Hunner’s lesion and grade 3 glomerulation might be different from the other type patients. Int J Urol 2021; 28(8):823-830. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Ho HC , Jiang YH, Lee CL, Yu WR, Kuo HC. Possible association between bladder wall Morphological changes on computed tomography and bladder-centered interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. Biomedicines 2021; 9(10):1306-1316. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Ho HC, Hsu YH, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Bladder ultrastructure and urinary cytokine abnormality in patients with recurrent urinary tract infection and the changes after intravesical platelet-rich plasma injections. Biomedicines 2022; .10(2):245-257.(SCI)
Lee CL, Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Real-world data regarding satisfaction to botulinum toxin A injection into the urethral sphincter and further bladder management for voiding dysfunction among patients with spinal cord injury and voiding dysfunction. Toxins 2022; 14(1):30-41. (SCI)
Chen SF, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC. Satisfaction with detrusor onabotulinumtoxinA injections and conversion to other bladder management in patients with chronic spinal cord injury. Toxins 2022; 14(1):35-46. (SCI)
Wu SY, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Ho HC, Kuo HC. Inflammation and barrier function deficits in the bladder uothelium of patients with chronic spinal cord injury and recurrent urinary tract infections. Biomedicines 2022; 10(2):220-232. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Hsu YH, Ho HC, Lori Birder, Lin TY, Kuo HC. Improved urothelial cell proliferation, cytoskeleton and barrier function protein expression in the patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome after intravesical platelet-rich plasma injection. Int Neurourol J 2022; 26(Suppl 1):S57-67.(SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Lee YK, Kuo HC. Low-energy shock wave plus intravesical instillation of botulinum toxin A for interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome: Pathophysiology and preliminary result of a novel minimally invasive treatment. Biomedicines 2022; 10(2):396-412. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Lin TY, Ho HC, Hsu YH, Kuo HC. Therapeutic efficacy of intravesical platelet-rich plasma injections for interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome – a comparative study of different injection number, additives and concentrations. Front Pharmacol 2022;13: 853776. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC. The clinical application of intravesical botulinum toxin A injection in patients with overactive bladder and interstitial cystitis. Tzu Chi Med J 2023; 35(1):31-37. (Review)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Ho HC, Hsu YH, Kuo HC. Diagnostic and prognostic value of urine biomarkers in women with dysfunctional voiding. Sci Rep 2022; 12(1):6608-6615. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC. Can we use urinary cytokine/chemokine analysis in discriminating ulcer-type interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome? Diagnostics 2022; 12(5):1093-1105. (SCI)
Lee CL, Chen SF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Effect of videourodynamic subtypes on treatment outcomes of female dysfunctional voiding. Int Urogynecol J 2022; 33(5):1283-91. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Ho HC, Jiang YH, Hsu YH, Kuo HC. Clinical correlation of bladder electron microscopic characteristics in patients with detrusor underactivity of various etiologies. Biomedicines 2022; 10(5):1055. (SCI)
Yu WR, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC. Use of urinary cytokine and chemokine levels for identifying bladder conditions and predicting treatment outcomes in patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. Biomedicines 2022; 10(5):1149. (SCI)
Lee YK, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Han-Chen Ho, Kuo HC. Changes in the ultrastructure of the bladder urothelium in patients with interstitial cystitis after intravesical injections of platelet-rich plasma. Biomedicines 2022; 10(5):1182. (SCI)
Chen SF, Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Treatment outcomes of detrusor underactivity in women based on clinical and videourodynamic characteristics. Int Urol Nephrol 2022; 54(6):1215-23. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Ho HC, Chiou DY, Kuo HC. Urine oxidative stress biomarkers as novel biomarkers in interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. Biomedicines 2022; 10(7):1701. (SCI)
Lee PJ, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Therapeutic efficacy and mid-term durability of urethral sphincter platelet-rich plasma injections to treat postprostatectomy stress urinary incontinence. Biomedicines 2022; 10(9):2235. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Current understanding of the pathophysiology and novel treatments of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. Biomedicines 2022; 10(10):2380-2394. (Review) (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Kuo HC. Usefulness of uinary biomarkers for assessing bladder condition and histopathology in patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. Int J Mol Sci 2022; 23(19):12044. (SCI)
Yu WR, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Chang WC, Kuo HC. Treatment outcomes of intravesical botulinum toxin A injections on patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. Toxins 2022; 14(12):871-881. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Hsu YH, Ho HC, Kuo HC. Potential urine biomarkers in bladder outlet obstruction related detrusor underactivity. Tzu Chi Med J 2022; 34(4):388-93. (Review)
Chen WH, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Urinary oxidative stress biomarkers in the diagnosis of detrusor overactivity in female patients with stress urinary incontinence. Biomedicines 2023; 11(2):357-368. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Birder LA, Kuo HC. Sensory receptor, inflammatory, and apoptotic protein expression in the bladder urothelium of patients with different subtypes of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. Int J Mol Sci 2023; 24(1):820-832. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Discriminating different overactive bladder subtypes by urinary biomarkers in women with frequency–urgency syndrome. Biomedicines 2023; 11(3):673-686. (SCI)
Fan YH, Shen YC, Hsu CC, Chow PM, Chang PC, Lin YH, Chang SJ, Jiang YH, Liao CH, Wang CC, Wu CT, Kuo HC. Current surgical treatment for neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction in patients with chronic spinal cord injury. J Clin Med 2023; 12(4):1400-1412. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Liu CD, Hsu YH, Chen CC, Chen HC, Jiang YH, Wu WC, Peng CW, Kuo HC. EBV infection mediated BDNF expression is associated with bladder inflammation in interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome with Hunner’s lesion. J Pathol 2023; 259(3):276-90. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC. Urinary oxidative stress biomarker levels might be useful to identify functional bladder disorders in women with frequency and urgency syndrome. J Clin Med 2023; 12(6):2336-2346. (SCI)
Chen WH, Lee YK, Kuo HC, Wang JH, Jiang YH*. Oncological and functional outcomes of high-risk and very high-risk prostate cancer patients after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. PLoS ONE 2023; 18(3): e0282494. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Wu YH, Kuo HC. Investigating urine biomarkers in detrusor underactivity, and detrusor overactivity with detrusor underactivity patients. Biomedicine 2023; 11(4):1191-1200. (SCI)
Yu WR, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC. Use of urinary biomarkers in discriminating interstitial cystitis/ bladder pain syndrome from male lower urinary tract dysfunctions. Int J Mol Sci 2023; 24(15):12055-12065. (SCI)
Lin YH, Fan YH, Wu CT, Shen YC, Hu JC, Huang SW, Chow PM, Chang PC, Liao CH, Chen YC, Victor C. Lin, Hsu CC, Chang SJ, Wang CC, Lin WY, Lin CC, Jiang YH, Kuo HC, and Taiwan Continence Society Spinal Cord Injury Study Group. Clinical guidelines of patient-centered bladder management of neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction due to chronic spinal cord injury – Part 3: Surgical treatment in chronic spinal cord injured patients. Urol Sci 2023; 34(3):109-116. (Review)
Yu WR, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC. Cystoscopic characteristic findings of interstitial cystitis and clinical implications. Tzu Chi Med J 2024; 36(1):30-7. (Review)
Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Current optimal pharmacologic therapies for overactive bladder. Exp Opin Pharmacother 2023; 24(18):2005-2019. (Review) (SCI)
Yu WR, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC. Bladder pain syndrome associated with interstitial cystitis: Recent research and treatment options. Curr Bladder Dysfunct Rep 2023; 18:389-400. (Review)
Chiang CH, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Efficacy of single and repeated transurethral bladder neck incisions for female voiding dysfunction. World J Urol 2023; 41(10):2809-2815. (SCI)
Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Lin TY, Kuo HC. The tumor necrosis factor-α level in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) might be associated with treatment outcome in the patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome or recurrent urinary tract infection who underwent intravesical PRP injections. Int J Mol Sci 2024; 25(1):163-172. (SCI)
Yu WR, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC. Urine biomarker could be a useful tool for differential diagnosis of a lower urinary tract dysfunction. Tzu Chi Med J 2024; 36(2):110-119. (Review)
Jiang YH, Liu YS, Wei YC, Jhang JF, Kuo HC, Huang HH, Chan WY, Lin GL, Cheng WC, Lin SC, Wang HJ. Hypermethylation loci of ZNF671, IRF8, and OTX1 as potential urine-based predictive biomarkers for bladder cancer. Diagnostics 2024; 14(5):468. (SCI)
Kuo HC, Peng CW, Jiang YH, Jhang JF. Urinary viral spectrum in patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome and the clinical efficacy of valacyclovir treatment. Biomedicines 2024; 12(3):522-534. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Chen SF, Kuo HC. Real-life treatment outcome of botulinum toxin A injection on overactive bladder and voiding dysfunction in patients with central nervous system lesions. Toxins 2024; 16(3):123-132. (SCI)
Yu WR, Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Pelvic floor muscle pain is associated with higher symptom scores and bladder pain perception in women with interstitial cystitis and bladder pain syndrome. World J Urol 2024.(Accept-2024.11.06) (SCI)
Chang TL, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Impact of urethral sphincter electrophysiology on botulinum toxin A treatment in women with non-neurogenic dysfunctional voiding. Biomedicines 2024; 12(8):1902-1912. (SCI)
Chen YC, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC. Using urine biomarkers in identifying different bladder dysfunction in women with sensory bladder disorders. Int J Mol Sci 2024; 25(17):9359-9370. (SCI)
Yu WR, Jhang JF, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. The pathomechanism and current treatments for chronic interstitial cystitis and bladder pain syndrome. Biomedicines 2024; 12(9):2051-2065. (Review) (SCI)
Yang CC, Jiang YH, Kuo HC. Predictive factors for the successful outcome of urethral sphincter injections of botulinum toxin A for non-neurogenic dysfunctional voiding is women. Toxins 2024; 16(9):386-396. (SCI)
Jiang YH, Chen SF, Kuo HC. Effect of lower urinary tract conditions on surgical outcomes of different suburethral sling procedures for female stress urinary incontinence. Int Urol Nephrol 2024; 56(9):2905-2912. (SCI)
Yu WR, Jiang YH, Jhang JF, Kuo HC. Repeated intravesical injections of platelet-rich plasma are safe and effective in the treatment of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. Tzu Chi Med J 2024. (Accept 2024.08.07)
1. 臨床泌尿學(第十四章節作者) 2012年02月 ISBN 978-986-6575-44-0
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